MECH 2200 Totally Integrated Automation (PLCs Level 2)

Course Description: 

This course is the second level course in building automated systems using programmable logic controllers.  Topics in totally integrated automation include:



Class Syllabus Fall 2014 

Step by Step Guide to Setup a ProfiBus Network, written by Dr. Khalid Tantawi

Guide to Siemens TIA Portal V13 Software, written by Dr. Khalid Tantawi

Lecture 1: Introduction 

MECH 2200 Course Syllabus

Totally Integrated Automation

Fall 2014

Meeting time:  Section BSP: Wednesday 3:00 – 5:45 PM and Thursday 4:00 - 5:50 PM       

          Section M01: Wednesday 3:00 – 5:45 PM and Friday 2:00 - 3:50 PM

Classroom:      202 NA-MEC building, Bridgestone La Vergne plant

        135 McMinnville Center, 042 Fayetteville Center

Prerequisites: MECH 1500 Digital Fundamentals and PLCs 

                         MATH 1710 Algebra/Precalculus

Required Textbook:  F. D. Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 4th edition (2011), McGraw Hill.


M. Mano and Ciletti, “Digital Design”, 4th edition, 2007, Prentice Hall

Khaled Kamel and Eman Kamel, “Programmable Logic Controllers Industrial Control”, (2014), McGraw Hill 

Course Objectives:

There are four main objectives for this course:

1. To  implement and develop PLC programs using timers and counters. 

2. To program PLC stations with math instructions. 

3. To use analog modules and analog technology in PLC systems

4. To implement fieldbus networks such as Profibus-DP and MPI standards. 

Grading Policy:                                                                 

Quizzes:           25%   (closed book and closed notes)

Mid Term Exam: 25%   (closed book and closed notes)        

Lab work: 25%   (closed book and closed notes)

Final Exam:             25%   (closed book and closed notes)

Letter Grade Distribution:

90-100:  A 

80-89.9: B

70-79.9: C

60-69.9: D

Less than 60: F      

Quiz and Exam schedule

Quiz 1                 Chapters 5, 6, 7

Quiz 2                 Chapters 8, 10

Quiz 3                 Chapter14 and handouts

Quiz 4                 Handouts and notes

Mid Term Exam Chapters 5, 6, 7, 10, 11

Final Exam         Comprehensive

Course Material and Schedule:

Week         Topics/Chapter

    1                 Chapters 5 and 6 review

    2                 Chapter 7: programming timers

    3                 Chapter 8: programming counters; Quiz 1

    4                 Chapter 10: Data manipulation in Step 7 

    5                 Chapter 11: Math instructions; Quiz 2

    6                 Chapter 14: sections 1-5

    7                 Chapter 14: sections 6 -7; Mid Term Exam

    8                 Introduction to Analog applications

    9                 Analog modules and applications

    10         Configuration and programming of Analog modules and applications

    11         PLC Networking: MPI and Profibus; Quiz 3

    12         PLC Networking: MPI bus, Profibus

    13         Introduction to HMI and Profibus systems; Quiz 4

    14         Integration of HMI and Profibus

    15         Review and exam preparation; Final Exam

Note: This schedule may change.  If changes are made, announcements will be made in advance regarding those changes. It is your responsibility to conform to all announcements, changes, and additions made during the classes.

Class and Lab Policies: 

Safety Rules and Measures:

It is extremely important to follow the safety guidelines before you start and during the lab sessions. Some of the rules and measures that you must take are listed below.

Important Phone Numbers:

Emergency from a Motlow Campus phone: 9-911

Emergency department of the Bridgestone facility: (615) 287-7555

Emergency from a Bridgestone facility phone: 7555

Bridgestone General Information (Front Gate): (615) 287-7342