EE305 Electronic Devices and Design

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EE 305 (EE 316) Electronic Devices and Design Lab


Course Syllabus                                                                                               Introduction                                   

Class 1: Op-amp Basics                                                                              Class 2: Op-amp Applications  

Class 3: Junction Diode Basics                                                              Class 4: BJT Transistor Basics  

Class 5: MOSFET Measurements                                                       Class 6: The BJT Differential Pair  

Classes 7-9: Single BJT Amplifiers                                                     Class 10: Feedback Principles 

Class 11: Basic Output Stage Topologies                                        Class 12: Op-amp RC Filters

Class 13: Waveform Generators- The Schmitt Trigger 


Sample Exam Questions 

Final Exam Summer 2009   

Assignments and Theory Manual

Course Syllabus & Lab Instructions

EE 305 Electronic Devices and Design Lab- Summer 2012

Sections 01 and 05

Course Instructor: Khalid Tantawi       Email: khalid.tantawi @ 

Phone: (256) 824-6469                           Twitter: @KhalidTantawi

Office: 410 Optics Building                   Website:

Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM


Meeting Time: Section 01: Monday 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Section 05: Wednesday 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM  

Class Meeting: Engineering Building 225


Prerequisite:  Electronic Measurement Lab

Pre/Co requisite:  EE 315 Introduction to Electronic Analysis and Design

Required Textbook: K.C. Smith, Laboratory Explorations for Microelectronic Circuits, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 1998 [1].

Recommended References:

A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, fifth edition, Oxford University Press, 2004 [2]

J. Millman and A. Grabel,  Microelectronics, second edition, McGraw Hill, 1987 [3]


Course Objectives:

There are three main objectives for this course:

1)      To introduce the student to some microelectronic devices such as op-amps, diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs, and to be able to work and design basic electronic circuits using these devices.

2)      To use analytical techniques to mathematically derive and predict outputs of electronic circuits.

3)      To use computer software to simulate and design microelectronic circuits.

Grading Policy:                                                                 

Attendance & Lab Performance:   40%

Pre-lab Assignments:                    10%    

Lab Reports:                                  30%                     

Mid Term Exam:                            5%   (closed book and closed notes)

Final Exam:                                  15%   (closed book and closed notes)


Letter Grade ranges:

98-100:  A+             90-97.99: A              85-89.99: A-             80-84.99: B+                  75-79.99: B                 70-74.99: B- 65-69.99: C+           60-64.99: C              55-59.99: C-              50-54.99: D                   less than 50: F

Topics covered:

Note: It is your responsibility to conform to all announcements and changes made in the schedule.

Lab Instructions:

§ Refer to this manual (Assignments Manual) for details of the required pre-lab assignments and questions to be answered in the post-lab reports, and a background theory.

§ No makeup sessions will be given for absence without an acceptable and reasonable excuse.

§ Attendance is very important. Missing four classes or more will result in an “F” grade.

§ Please put back all lab equipment used during your lab session.  Points will be taken off for uncleaned benches.  

§ Pay full attention to the lectures given at the beginning and during the lab session. This is important for you to be able to answer the experiment questions, and do well in exams.

§ In the case you were not able to finish an experiment during the lab session, complete your report with the data you obtained, and analytically calculated values, as well as simulations.

§ You are encouraged to ask questions any time.

§ Please check your university email address regularly for any announcements and changes.


Notes about Pre-Lab Assignments

§ The Pre-Lab assignments are given in the Instructions and Assignments Manual.

§ The Pre-Lab Report should contain the simulated results in tabular form (If the results are not tabulated and clearly presented, points will be deducted, I will not search for your answers) and Simulation Plots/Graphs (if simulation is required), and Answers to the given questions.

§ If a computer simulation is required.  You may use any computer software such as Multisim.   

§ The Pre-Lab assignment is due at the beginning of the class of that experiment.


Lab Reports

§ The Lab Report should include the following parts:

9.      The signed data sheet attached at the end of the report.

10.  Overall neatness


§ All the parts must be present. Answers like “refer to data sheet” are not accepted.

§ Each Lab Report is due at the beginning of the following class from which the experiment was performed. 

Important Notes:

§ Late Reports and assignments are not accepted, except in the case of special circumstances.

§ Neatness counts. Points will be taken off if the report or assignment is not neat.

§ Please do your own work.  Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero.


Course Syllabus & Lab Instructions

EE 305 Electronic Devices and Design Lab- Spring 2012

Sections 01, 02, and 03

Course instructor: Khalid Tantawi                 Email: 

                                                                       Twitter: @KhalidTantawi

                                                                        Phone:  (256) 824-6469

                                                                        Office:  410 Optics Building 

Office Hours: Monday 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM,  Tuesday 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM

Meeting Time: Section 01: Thursday     5:30  PM  -  8:30  PM    

                               Section 02: Wednesday  8:00 AM  - 11:00 AM                                            

                               Section 03: Tuesday       5:30  PM  -  8:30  PM    

Location: Engineering Building 225

Prerequisite:  Electronic Measurement Lab

Pre/Co requisite:  EE 315 Introduction to Electronic Analysis and Design

Required Textbook: K.C. Smith, Laboratory Explorations for Microelectronic Circuits, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 1998 [1].


A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, fifth edition, Oxford University Press, 2004 [2]

J. Millman and A. Grabel,  Microelectronics, second edition, McGraw Hill, 1987 [3]

Course Objectives:

There are three main goals for this course:

Grading Policy:                                                                 

Attendance & Lab Performance:      40%

Pre-lab Assignments:                        10%    

Lab Reports:                                      30%                     

Mid Term Exam:                                5%   (closed book and closed notes)

Final Exam:                                       15%   (closed book and closed notes)

Letter Grade ranges:

98-100:  A+                             90-97.99: A                             85-89.99: A-       

80-84.99: B+                           75-79.99: B                              70-74.99: B-

65-69.99: C+                           60-64.99: C                              55-59.99: C-       

50-54.99: D                             less than 50: F

Topics covered:

Note: It is your responsibility to conform to all announcements and changes made in the schedule.

Lab Instructions:

Notes about Pre-Lab Assignments

§ The Pre-Lab assignments are given in the Instructions and Assignments Manual.

§ The Pre-Lab Report should contain the simulated results in tabular form (If the results are not tabulated and clearly presented, points will be deducted, I will not search for your answers) and Simulation Plots/Graphs (if simulation is required), and Answers to the given questions.

§ If a computer simulation is required.  You may use any computer software such as Multisim.   

§ The Pre-Lab assignment is due at the beginning of the class of that experiment.

Lab Reports

The Lab Report should include the following parts:

Important Notes: