Math 2200--Spring 2010 Teaching Comments


  • Number of Students Enrolled: 29

  • Number of Students Participating in Evaluation: 26

  • Number of Students Leaving Written Comments: 22


    • "Calculus was a class I dreaded at the beginning of the semester. Due to the challenging nature of the material as well as Kate's instruction, I was enjoying this class immensely by the end of the semester. The problems became like puzzles I enjoyed solving rather than tedious busywork as I had anticipated. The class was challenging but in an entirely constructive way. I found that if I put the effort into learning the material rather than simply taking shortcuts I was able to perform the tasks required of me easily. The class was structured in such a way that hard work was rewarded and lack of preparation was equally apparent. It was one of the most fair classes I've taken in college."

    • "Ms. Thompson is an amazing teacher! She provides students with multiple opportunities to meet with her outside of class and provides students with LOTS of extra materials to help us prepare for tests! She's definitely not the easiest teacher to take, but she's worth it!"

    • "Ms. Thompson is really an outstanding teacher because she makes sure that each one of us understands by providing a lot of examples in class and dedicates entire class period for us to ask questions. She is also very patient with the class and takes the time to make additional study guides and review sheets when she really doesn't have to. She also takes time out of her weekends to help us and is very prompt when it coes to answering my emails. I can tell that Ms. Thompson really cares about us getting a good grade in her class because she is very fair in grading and there were multiple instances where she would ask the class to vote on certain topics, like room-change, office hours, and test dates."

    • "Prof. Thompson was very, very helpful when it came to providing her time for her students outside of the classroom for help. When it came to assignments, they were overwhelming throughout this whole course. With that said though, with this class all of the extra work helped and paid off. The instructer could be rough some times when it came to how much material we had to know, but I can say that her making me work so hard for my grade has made me smarter and more appreciative for it. Needless to say, if you don't work your butt off you won't get a good grade. You have to earn it. Also, I will never forget how to take a derivative or how ot find the max/min dimensions for a box. So, I think she is overall a great teacher, she understands, and she helps out more than any other teacher that I have ever had."

    • "Ms. Thompson was a great teacher. She was extremely enthusiastic about her job, which really helped to make the class more enjoyable. I thought that for the most part she was pretty fair about grading things, and she was extremely quick to get our grades back. She tried her best to help us as much as possible, even adding extra office hours on the weekend for questions that arose. I truly enjoyed her class."


    • 25 of 26 students 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' that the instructor was well-prepared for class.

    • 25 of 26 students 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' that the instructor was available for individual consultation.