Please scroll through the entire page--there's a lot of info/goodies here.

How to get LaTeX:

    • For Mac users: try MacTeX.

    • For Windows users: you're basically going to use a version of MiKTeX.

    • For those who do not want to download anything ever:

      • ScribTeX. All you need is an email address. It's very bare bones and has an automatic compiler, etc.

      • writeLaTeX. Again, all you need is an email address. You can pay for "extras" on this site (like Dropbox syncing, etc.); however, it does provide free templates.

Don't worry about downloading in general, though--as xkcd will tell you, .tex is "safe".

How to find a particular symbol:

    • Detexify. Coolest thing ever. There's also a phone app--which is free. Great if you only want one symbol and/or have great handwriting.

    • "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbols List". This is what we had to use in the dark ages before Detexify.

Other resources: