Math 1113--Fall 2009 Teaching Comments


    • Number of Students Enrolled: 40

    • Number of Students Participating in Evaluation: 22

    • Number of Students Leaving Written Comments: 15


    • "I LOVED my Math 1113 teacher. Ms. Thompson was so helpful, and I always felt like I could go to her with questions. Class was well-organized and very helpful. I would definitely recommend her to my friends."

    • "I really enjoyed her teaching style. Every lecture was clearly organized, which helped me be organized. The help sessions before tests are also really helpful. I enjoyed Ms. Thompson as a teacher very much."

    • "I thought she has been an effective instructor, her interest and enthusiasm in the subject is obvious. I give her the highest marks and appreciate being able to have her as my instructor next term."

    • "Over the course of the semester I leanred a lot from Mrs. Thompson. While many of my friends had regular professors, Mrs. Thompson did a great job a grad student teacher, and i feel as though i learned more than my friends. She was quick to respond with any questions i had over email or in person. She made herself available for the students, and was happy to have her as a teacher."

    • "You Rock!"


    • 19 of 22 students 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' that the instructor used class time effectively to assist students in learning.

    • 18 of 22 students 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' that the instructor has been effective in increasing interest in the material.