5. Curriculum Vitae 

Photo by Akio Tanikawa

NAME: Yuki BABA Ph. D (Agriculture)

Nationality: JAPAN

Place of Birth: Fukuoka Pref.

Sex: Male 

E-mail: argyrodeskumadai(a)gmail.com

Profile & Career

1998-2002: B.S. Division of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University

2002-2004: M.S. Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2004-2008: Ph.D. (Agriculture) Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2008-2009: Post-doctoral Researcher, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2009-2011: Post-doctoral Researcher, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences

2012-2016: Researcher, Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences

2017-2020: Senior Researcher, Biodiversity Division, Institute for Agro-Environmental Science NARO

2020-Present: Principal Researcher, Biodiversity Division, Institute for Agro-Environmental Science NARO


Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO

3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, 305-8604, Japan

Researcher's Information page

◆Research interests

Biology of spiders, Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Landscape Ecology


2005-2007: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Fellowship (DC2)

2011: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (PD)

2013-2016: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 

2017-2020: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

◆Thesis for a degree

◇B.S. “Effect of detritus stabilimentum on foraging success in Cyclosa octotuberculata (Araneae: Araneidae) “

(Supervisor: Eiiti Kasuya, Associate Professor in Kyushu University)

◇M.S. “Morphological and behavioral differentiation of a kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai utilizing different hosts” 

(Supervisor: Tadashi Miyashita, Professor in University of Tokyo)

◇Ph.D. “Host-associated trait differentiation of a kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai

(Supervisor: Tadashi Miyashita, Professor in University of Tokyo)


2008: Best Poster Prize in 24th meeting of the Society of Population Ecology (Baba Y, Tanikawa A, Takada M, Futami K)

2009: Promotion Award from Arachnological Society of Japan

2010: Excellent Poster Prize in ESJ57 (Baba Y, Yoshitake H, Yoshimatsu S, Ihara Y)

2016: Excellent Poster Prize in ESJ63(Tsutsui M, Tanaka K, Baba YG, Miyashita T)

2017: Promotion Award for Young Researcher from Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO

Academic Societies

Arachnological Society of Japan (Managing Editor 2012-2018; Editor-in-Chief 2018-2024)

・Ecological Society of Japan

Reviewer (49 journals on February 2024)

Acta Arachnologica, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Annales Zoologici Fennici, Annual report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society, Applied Entomology and Zoology, Arachnology, Behaviour, Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, Biological Conservation, Biological Control, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, Bulletin of Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History Series A (Natural History), Ecological Entomology, Ecological Indicators, Ecological Research, Ecosphere, Edaphologia, Entomological Science, Environmental Entomology, Ethology, European Journal of Entomology, Heliyon, Insect Conservation and Diversity, Insects, International Journal of Pest Management, Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology, Japanese Journal of Ecology, Journal of Agricultural Research Quarterly (JARQ),  Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Journal of Insect Behavior, Journal of Insect Conservation, Journal of Natural History, Medical Entomology and Zoology, Molecular Ecology, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, Oikos, Paddy and Water Environment, PeerJ, Pest Management Science, PLoS ONE, Population Ecology, Scientific Reports, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, SpringerPlus, Tropical Natural History, Zoological Science

◆Publications (Peer-reviewed Journal)

[01] Yamasaki K, Baba YG 2024 Attack on Titan: a record of predation on  Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx by Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Araneae: Araneidae) (Accepted) 

[02] Baba YG, Tanikawa A, 2024 A new species of the genus Cheiracanthium (Araneae: Cheiracanthiidae) from the Nansei Islands, Japan. (Accepted)

Acta Arachnologica

[03] Peng P, Stuart-Fox D, Su YC, Baba YG, Elgar MA* 2024 Fitness effects of symbiotic relationships between arthropod predators: synergy in a three-way spider symbiosis.

Functional Ecology

[04] Toju H, Suzuki SS, Baba YG 2024 Interaction network rewiring and species’ contributions to community-scale flexibility

PNAS Nexus

[05] Baba YG & Ohno S 2024 Characteristics of spider assemblages of subtropical rice paddy fields in the Yaeyama Islands, Japan.

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

[06] Sorgog K, Tanaka K, Baba YG* 2023 Macro-scale perspectives in conservation biological control: latitudinal differences in the effects of organic farming on insect pests and natural enemies in rice paddy ecosystems. *Corresponding author

Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment

[07] Suzuki SS, Baba YG, Toju H 2023 Dynamics of species-rich predator–prey networks and seasonal alternations of core species. 

Nature Ecology & Evolution

[08] Katayama N, Baba YG, Okubo S, Matsumoto H 2023 Taxon-specific responses to landscape-scale and long-term implementation of environmentally friendly rice farming. 

Journal of Applied Ecology 

[09] Baba YG, Osawa T, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K 2023 Multi-spatial-scale factors determining the abundance of frogs in rice paddy fields and their potential as biological control agents

Wetlands 43: no.17

[10] Nagai M, Higuchi Y, Ishikawa Y, Guo W, Fukatsu T, Baba YG, Takada MB 2022 Periodically taken photographs reveal the effect of pollinator insects on seed set in lotus flowers. 

Scientific Reports 12 11051.

[11] Yamauchi T, Hirakizawa N, Baba YG 2022 A new prey record for Eopompilus internalis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), with observation of a semi-paralyzed prey spider. Acta Arachnologica 71: 45-47.

[12] Baba YG, Fujita K 2021  Lycosid spiders found in coastal waters of Japan. 

Acta Arachnologica 70: 7-9.

[13] Kimoto Y, Katsuhara L, Baba YG, Watari Y 2021 First recording of the Japanese house bat, Pipistrellus abramus (Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae) on the Kikai-jima Island, Ryukyus, Japan

Mammalian Science 61: 23-27.  (In Japanese with English abstract)

[14] Katayama N, Baba YG, Okubo S 2020 Assessing farming practices benefiting biodiversity conservation in rice fields:  past achievements and future challenges. 

Japanese Journal of Ecology 70: 201-215. (In Japanese with English abstract)

[15] Katayama N, Baba YG 2020 Measuring artistic inspiration drawn from ecosystems and biodiversity: a case study of old children’s songs in Japan. 

Ecosystem Services

[16] Baba YG, Yamasaki T, Tanikawa A 2019 A new species of the genus Siler (Araneae: Salticidae) from Japan.

Arachnology 18 : 253-257.

[17] Katayama N, Osada, Y, Mashiko M, Baba YG, Tanaka K, Kusumoto Y, Okubo S, Ikeda H, Natuhara Y 2019 Organic farming and associated management practices benefit multiple wildlife taxa: A large-scale field study in rice paddy landscapes.

Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1970-1981.

[18] Baba YG, Watari Y, Nishi M, Sasaki T 2019 Notes on the feeding habits of  the Okinawan fishing spider, Dolomedes orion (Araneae: Pisauridae), in the southwestern islands of Japan. 

Journal of Arachnology 47: 154-158.

[19] Baba YG, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K 2019 Positive effect of environmentally friendly farming on paddy field odonate assemblages at a small landscape scale.

Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 467-464

[20] Baba YG, Tanaka K, Kusumoto Y 2019 Changes in spider diversity and community structure along abandonment and vegetation succession in rice paddy ecosystems. 

Ecological Engineering 127: 235-244.

[21] Katayama N, Bouam I, Koshida C, Baba YG 2019 Biodiversity and yield under different land management regimes in orchard/vineyard landscapes: a meta-analysis.

Biological Conservation 229: 125-133.

[22] Baba YG, Tanikawa A, Takada MB, Futami K 2018 Dead or alive? Sexual conflict and lethal copulatory interactions  in long-jawed Tetragnatha spiders. 

Behavioral Ecology 29: 1278–1285.

[23] Baba YG, Tanikawa A 2018 Two new spider species of the genera Glenognatha and Pachygnatha (Araneae: Tetragnatidae) from Japan. 

Acta Arachnologica 67: 39-42.

[24] Suguro T, Baba YG, Yamauchi T 2018 Phrurolithus splendidus Song & Zheng 1992 (Araneae: Phrurolithidae), new to Japanese fauna. 

Acta Arachnologica 67: 19-21.

[25] Adachi-Hagimori T., Shimomoto M, Baba YG 2018 Predation of a biological control agent, Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae), by a spider Leucauge blanda in an eggplant cultivated greenhouse. 

Biocontrol Science & Technology 28: 874-882.

[26] Baba YG, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K 2018  Effects of agricultural practice and fine-scale landscape factors on spiders and a pest insect in Japanese rice paddy ecosystems. 

BioControl 63: 265–275.

[27] Toju H, Baba YG 2018 DNA metabarcoding of spiders, insects, and springtails for exploring potential linkage between above- and below-ground food webs. 

Zoological Letters

[28] Osawa T, Baba YG, Suguro T, Naya N, Yamauchi T 2017 Specimen records of spider (Arachnida: Araneae) by monthly census for 3 years in forest areas of Yakushima Island, Japan. 

Biodiversity Data Journal 5 e14789

[29] Baba YG, Tanikawa A 2017 A new species of the genus Anyphaena (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) from Japan.

Acta Arachnologica 66: 31-33.

[30] Baba YG, Ohno S, Ukuda-Hosokawa R, Tanikawa A 2017 A new record of the wall spider, Oecobius marathaus (Araneae: Oecobiidae) from Japan

Acta Arachnologica 66: 17-18.

[31] Nakano T, Ihara Y, Kumasaki Y, Baba YG, Tomikawa K 2017 Evaluation of the systematic status of geographical variations in Arcuphantes hibanus

(Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphiidae), with describing two new species. 

Zoological Science 34: 331-344.

[32] Baba YG, Katayama N, Tanikawa A 2017 New records of the pirate spider Ero aphana from Japan.

Fauna Ryukyuana 34: 11-14.

[33] Baba YG, Tanaka K 2016 Factors affecting abundance and species composition of generalist predators (Tetragnatha spiders) in agricultural ditches adjacent to rice paddy fields.

Biological Control103: 147-153. 

[34] Tsutsui MH, Tanaka K, Baba YG, Miyashita T 2016 Spatio-Temporal dynamics of generalist predators (Tetragnatha spider) in environmentally friendly paddy fields.

Applied Entomology and Zoology 51: 631-640.

[35] Baba YG, Tanaka K, Takenaka I, Kunimoto Y 2016 Potential effects of surrounding landscape and non-selective insecticides on abundance of predatory bugs, Orius spp. (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in eggplant fields. 

Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 60: 171-178. (in Japanese with English abstract and figure captions)

[36] Baba YG and Yoshitake H 2016 A new record of Cheiracanthium taegense (Araneae: Eutichuridae) from Japan. 

Acta Arachnologica 65: 39-41.

[37] Baba YG, Suguro T, Naya N, Yamauchi T 2016 A gynandromorph of the funnel-web spider, Allagelena opulenta (Araneae: Agelenidae). 

Acta Arachnologica 65: 11-13.

[38] Krehenwinkel H, Graze M, Rödder D, Tanaka K, Baba YG, Muster C, Uhl G 2016 A phylogeographic survey of a highly dispersive spider reveals Eastern Asia as a major glacial refugium for Palearctic fauna.

Journal of Biogeography 43: 1583-1594.

[39] Baba YG, Suguro T, Yamauchi T. 2015 A record of Anepsion japonicum (Araneae: Araneidae) from Yakushima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, after an interval of 47 years. 

Fauna Ryukyuana 26: 23–26. (in Japanese with English abstract and figure captions)

[40] Baba YG, Takada MB 2015 Spider ecology in agroecosystems: from field-plot scale to nation-wide scale (In Japanese).

 Biological Science (Tokyo) 66: 101-111.

[41] Katayama N, Baba YG, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K 2015 A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan. 

Agricultural Systems 132: 73-84.

[42] Baba YG,  Kusahara M, Maezono Y, Miyashita T 2014 Adjustment of web-building initiation to high humidity: a constraint by humidity-dependent thread stickiness in the spider Cyrtarachne.

Naturwissenchaften 101: 587-593.

[43] Baba YG 2013  Two new species of jumping spiders  (Araneae: Salticidae) from Japan.

Acta Arachnologica 62: 103-107.

[44] Baba YG 2013 A new species of the genus Marpissa (Araneae: Salticidae) from Japan.

Acta Arachnologica 62: 51-53.

[45] Watabiki D, Yoshimatsu S, Yoshitake H, Baba Y, Uesato T, Shimatani M, Ibusuki H, Yuda T 2013 Discrimination methods of a migratory pest, Spodoptera exempta occurred in Japan for the first time in 2010 from other similar Japanese pests of the genus Spodoptera Guenii (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 57:19-26.

[46] Baba YG, Walters RJ, Miyashita T 2013 Complex latitudinal variation in the morphology of  the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai associated with the host use and climatic conditions.

Population Ecology 55:43-51.

[47] Kudo Y, Kojima H, Yoshitake H, Baba YG, Kobayashi N 2012 Population structure of the flightless supralittloral Weevil Aphela gotoi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) inferred from mitochondrial COI Sequences.

Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 18:195-202.

[48] Baba YG, Osada Y, Miyashita T 2012 The effect of host web complexity on prey stealing success in a kleptoparasitic spider mediated by locomotor performance.

Animal Behaviour 83:1261-1268.

[49] Amano T, Kusumoto Y, Okamura H, Baba YG,  Hamasaki K, Tanaka K, Yamamoto S 2011 A macro-scale perspective on within-farm management: how climate and topography alter the effect of farming practices.

Ecology Letters14:1263-1272. [highlighted in "Nature"]

[50] Kunitake Y, Terada S, Baba Y, Miyashita T 2010 Pollination system of Aucuba japonica -a pollination experiment and an observation of floral visitors.

Japanese Journal of Forest Research 92:217-220. (In Japanese with English summary) 

[51] Baba YG 2010 A new record of Siler collingwoodi (Araneae: Salticidae) from Japan.

Acta Arachnologica 59:17-19

[52] Yoshitake H, Baba Y, Tanaka K 2010 The roles of taxonomists in the research project"Selection of functional biodiversity indicators and development of assessment methods" under the commission from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

Kontyu new series 13:93-103. (In Japanese with English summary

[53] Baba Y 2009 Host-associated trait differentiation in the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai (In Japanese). 

Acta Arachnologica 58:105-110.

[54] Takada M, Baba YG, Yanagi Y, Terada S, Miyashita T 2008 Contrasting responses of web-building spiders to deer browsing among habitats and feeding guilds.

Environmental Entomology 37:938-946.

[55] Baba YG, Miyashita T 2008 Geographic variation of body size and voltinism in  the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai.

Acta Arachnologica 57:51-54 (in Japanese with English summary).

[56] Baba YG, Walters RJ, Miyashita T 2007 Host-dependent difference in prey acquisition between populations in kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai (Araneae: Theridiidae).

Ecological Entomology 32:38-44.

[57] Baba Y, Miyashita T 2006 Does individual internal state affect the presence of a barrier web in Argiope bruennichii (Araneae: Araneidae)? 

Journal of Ethology 24:75-78.

[58] Baba YG 2006 A new species of the genus Mendoza (Araneae: Salticidae) from South west Islands of Japan.

Acta Arachnologica 55:107-109.

[59] Baba YG, Miyashita T 2005 Geographical host change between populations  in Argyrodes kumadai associated with distribution of two host species.

Acta Arachnologica 54:75-76.

[60] Baba Y 2003 Testing for the effect of detritus stabilimenta on foraging success in Cyclosa octotuberculata (Araneae: Araneidae).

Acta Arachnologica 52:1-3.

Google scholar citations

Conference Presentations

[01] Morita S, Yoshitake H, Baba Y, Kurihara T, Kusumoto Y, Kamo T, Hiradate S 2009 The relationship between soil chemical properties and biota including plants and small arthropods at levee around agricultural fields in Northern Kanto, Japan. NIAES MARCO symposium 2009 "Challenges for Agro-Environment Research in Monsoon Asia", Japan.

[02] Baba Y, Kurihara T, Yoshitake H, Yoshimatsu S, Sakamoto H, Hiradate S 2009 Morphological characteristics of Japanese jumping spiders  (Araneae: Salticidae) as potential biological indicators in agro-ecosystems. The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology, Beijin, China. 

[03] Yoshitake H, Baba Y, Kurihara T, Morita S, Kamo T, Kusumoto Y, Hiradate S 2009 Influence of land-use on arthropod communities through vegetation changes in Japanese agro-ecosystems. The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology, Beijin, China. 

[04] Baba Y, Miyashita T 2010 Host-associated differentiation in relative leg-length of the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai. 18th InternationalCongress of Arachnology, Siedlce, Poland. 

[05] Sakamoto H, Baba Y, Sunamura E, Suzuki S, Higashi S 2010 Rapid predation of Japanese myrmecophagous jumping spider Siler vittatus against the Argentine ant Linepithema humile. International Union for The Study of Social Insects XVI congress, Denmark.

[06] Watabiki D, Yoshimatsu S, Yoshitake H, Baba Y, Uesato T, Shimatani M, Ibusuki H, Yuda T 2012 Discrimination methods of a migratory pest, Spodoptera exempta occurred in Japan for the first time in 2010 from other similar Japanese pests of the genus Spodoptera Guenii (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), XXIV International Congress of Entomology, Korea -Daegu

[07] Baba Y, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K, 2013 The effects of landscape structure and agricultural practice on spider community in rice paddy fields of Japan. 19th International Congress of Arachnology, Taiwan.

[08] Baba Y, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K, 2013 The effects of landscape structure and agricultural practice on spider community in rice paddy fields of Japan. INTECOL 2013, London, UK.

[09] Baba Y, 2015 Effects of environmentally friendly farming and multi-scale environmental factors on generalist predators in rice paddy ecosystems of Japan, MARCO Symposium 2015 Next Challenges of Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia PROGRAM and ABSTRACTS, MARCO Symposium 2015

[10] Baba YG, Tanaka K, 2016 Effects of environmentally friendly farming on abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods in rice paddy ecosystems of Japan. The 7th EAFES@Daegu, Korea.19-22 April

[11] Sylvain G., Takada M.B., Higuchi Y., Ishikawa Y., Baba YG, Fukatsu T., Guo W. 2021 Detecting and Studying in-field Lotus Flower Visiting Behavior of Honey Bees. The 8th International Horticulture Research Conference July 20-22, 2021, Nanjing, China; Zoom Webinar.  2nd place award for the poster competition

[12] Sorgog K, Tanaka K, Baba YG 2022 Geographical trends in the response of insect pests and spiders to organic farming in Japanese rice paddy fields. the 2022 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting

[13] Yamamoto S, Katayama N, Yamasako J, Ito K, Ikeda H,  Baba YG, 2023 Improving environmental DNA sampling in rice paddies. The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023. Otsu May 17~19, 2023

◆ Book

Baba Y. G., Tanikawa A. 2015 The Hand Book of Spiders. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan. 112pp.

Baba Y. G. 2019 The Amazing World of Spiders: on Their Morphology, Behavior and Ability. Iye-no-Hikari Kyokai. 352pp.

Baba Y. G., Suzuki Y, Tanikawa A. 2021 The Hand Book of Spider Webs. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan. 112pp.

Baba Y. G., Fukuda H. (eds.) 2022 Discovery of New Species. Yamatokeikoku-sha.