Learner Profile for MYP


I am curious about the world in which I live. I enjoy learning and ask questions in order to learn more about my surroundings.


I am aware of many issues affecting the world around me. I collect and explore ideas and apply them to a range of situations.

Critical Thinkers

I find creative solutions to complex problems. I make decisions after thoughtfully considering a range of possibilities.


I effectively express my ideas and intentions for a wide range of audiences.

Risk Takers

I approach unfamiliar situations with confidence. I courageously explore new ideas.


I am fair and honest and strive to set a positive example for others. I treat all people equally and with respect.


I show compassion and respect for others. I am sensitive to their feelings and needs; offering help when I can.


I have an appreciation for my own culture. I am also respectful and curious about the traditions and cultures of others. I am open to new ideas and different points of view


I appreciate the need for a physical and emotional balance within myself and others.


I give thoughtful consideration to my learning and development. I identify my strengths and reflect on areas where I need to improve.

Reference: http://myp-tech.wikispaces.com/IB+Learner+Profile