What is design?

Design, and the resultant development of new technologies, has given rise to profound changes in society, transforming how we access and process information; how we adapt our environment; how we communicate with others; how we are able to solve problems; and how we work and live.

Design is the link between innovation and creativity, taking thoughts and exploring the possibilities and constraints associated with products or systems, allowing designers to redefine and manage the generation of further thought through prototyping, experimentation and adaptation. It is human-centred and focuses on the needs, wants and limitations of the end user.

Competent design is not only within the reach of a small set of uniquely skilled individuals, but can be achieved by all. The use of well-established design principles and processes increases the probability that a design will be successful. To do this, designers use a wide variety of principles which, taken together, make up what is known as the design cycle.

Designing requires an individual to be imaginative and creative, while having a substantial knowledge base of important factors that will aid or constrain the process. Decisions made need to be supported by adequate and appropriate research and investigation. Designers must adopt an approach that allows them to think creatively, while conforming to the requirements of a design specification.

Both the ideas of design and the process of design can only occur in a human context. Design is carried out by a community of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and traditions, and this has clearly influenced the way design has progressed at different times. It is important to understand that to design is to be involved in a community of inquiry with certain common beliefs, methodologies, understandings and processes.

Inquiry and problem-solving are at the heart of MYP design. The subject group requires the use of the design cycle as a tool that provides the methodology used to structure the inquiry and analysis of problems, the development of feasible solutions, the creation of solutions, and the testing and evaluation of the solution. In MYP design, a solution can be defined as a model, prototype, product or system that students have developed and created independently.

MYP design challenges all students to apply practical and creative thinking skills to solve design problems; encourages students to explore the role of design in both historical and contemporary contexts; and raises students’ awareness of their responsibilities when making design decisions and taking action.

The MYP expects all students to become actively involved in, and to focus on, the whole design process rather than on the final product/solution.

Characteristics of a good designer

The following characteristics frame a profile of both professional and aspiring designers. They reflect the desirable abilities, skill sets and mindset of all designers.

  • Designers adapt their approach to different design situations, but they have a common understanding of the process necessary to form valid and suitable solutions.
  • A designer has a role and responsibility to the community and the environment. Their decisions can have a huge impact and therefore their ethics and morals can and should be questioned regularly.
  • A designer should have the ability to maintain an unbiased view of a situation and evaluate it objectively, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of a common product or system.
  • Good communication through visual and oral presentation is a key trait of any good designer.

Designers can/are able to:

  • problem solve/troubleshoot in any context or situation, across a variety of design disciplines
  • realize innovative products, services, systems and technologies by learning through failure, extensive trialling, constant evaluation and redevelopment, perseverance and determination
  • seek, establish and verify broad concepts and general principles that underlie design methodology
  • conduct thorough research, synthesize evidence and apply the findings to the development of innovative products, services, systems and technologies
  • carefully observe human interactions and situations, identify and monitor short- and long-term trends and ask pertinent questions to explore design opportunities
  • assess the risks associated with the design and use of technology as well as any associated moral, social, ethical or environmental issues
  • think creatively and develop ideas beyond the confines of existing concepts, principles and modes of thinking
  • empathize with individuals or groups to ascertain and identify needs or design opportunities
  • collaborate, inspire and enthuse through effective communication using a variety of appropriate modes and media
  • appreciate the influence of others within the field of design including historical and current leaders, movements and organizations.

MYP design cycle

