Creating the ITGS project screencast

The ITGS project screencast is a great opportunity to demonstrate all the hard work you have put into your product and criteria A-F. It is a chance to highlight your work, to show things that cannot be seen in criteria E (for example, drop down menus, mouse roll-overs, queries, and other items that are interactive), and to prove that your product works.

Your screencast must show your final product (not "step by step" as you make it). It must include audio narration (remember that the examiner may not be able to read the text on your screencast - it may be too small or it might not be in English). 5 minutes is a good amount of time for a screencast.

You should not spend a great deal of time editing / re-recording your screencast to get a "perfect" version - just relax, speak calmly as if you were having a conversation about your product, and talk slowly and clearly. If you make a REALLY big mistake, keep recording, wait a few seconds, and then repeat the bit you messed you. You can edit the mistake out later. Don't start all over again!

Planning the screencast

Before you create your screencast, write an outline of what you are going to say. I think it is best to do this as bullet points rather than reading paragraphs of text. Things you should include:

  • Areas of your product that demonstrate your advanced skills
  • Areas of your product that are interactive and can't be seen in criteria E
  • Areas of your product that demonstrate fulfilment of your client's requirements

Examples and good key phrases

These key phrases might help you check that you are on the right track:

"This is where I processed the images using...."

"The layout here was achieved using CSS drop-shadow.."

"My client wanted an embedded map of....."

"I included the drop down menus because my client...."

How to create the screencast

I would recommend using one of the tools here. Before you record the screencast, do a test to make sure the video quality is high, the microphone volume is correct, and your voice can be heard clearly.
