Strand 2: Application to specified scenarios

The scenarios listed here are divided into themes as an organizational tool. Examination papers assess scenarios related to these themes. Individual examination questions may address one, some, or all of the themes.

• Every theme must be studied.

• Every topic within each theme must be studied.

• Each topic must be taught using real examples. Some of the examples shown in the tables suggest possible approaches for study.

• Students will be expected to apply their knowledge from the topics taught in class or researched independently to the stimulus material in the externally assessed components. This may include

discussing ethical issues and social impacts as well as demonstrating an understanding of the IT systems involved.

• For each of the scenarios addressed, students will be expected to identify relevant stakeholders and to discuss, where relevant, potential stakeholder conflict.

The coverage of business and employment should address the IT systems that exist as well as the ethical issues and social impacts that arise from the increased use of information technologies for both employers and employees. Students should be aware of the range of different business environments, ranging from a traditional (offline) business to businesses that are exclusively online.

Reference: IB ITGS Guide