I have been in this noble & prestigious profession since 2002 and started my professional career as post Graduate teacher in a boarding school. This field of education enlightened me to expand my experiences with a commitment and competency.

My philosophy of teaching is to provide a classroom environment where students are encouraged to express their own ideas and participate in their education experience. I not only taught the contents of the course but I taught the lessons of life to my students.

As far as my personal view about education is concerned, I believe in “Teaching is about Learning”. This means that to improve teaching I must focus on the learning needs of the future that will be shaped by today’s students.

An effective teacher is like the wizard who must help each individual appreciate the potential that resides within all of us -- the potential to make the best use of our minds, our hearts, and those behaviors that can make the world a better place.

I bring a lot of energy to my class. If I can't get excited about my subject, why should my students?

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