Education and Training


Information Technology in education - from the relatively common, such as web based resources, to the more unusual, such as web based examinations and the use of computers games in teaching, is covered in this chapter. This covers ITGS syllabus section 2.2 Education and links to 1.6 Equality of Access, 1.9 Policies, 3.1 Hardware, 3.2 Software, and 3.3 Networks. Topics cover

· IT in Teaching and Learning · Web 2.0 in the classroom

· Game based learning Web based exams

· High tech cheating Hardware technologies

· Provision for special needs Laptops in the classroom

· School administration Web 2.0 in the classroom

Education in the industrial age made assumptions that students learnt the same and would sit in rows, quietly, while the teacher provided a 'brain drop' of facts. In the information age that has all changed. Its about technological literacy, developing their own knowledge and understanding through collaboration and other methods. Technology has become an integral and dependent part of education.
