Internet Addiction


Internet Addiction

One of the major social issues present in the modern societies is the computer addiction. Addiction is the dependence on, not being able to control a habit that is psychological or physical. Internet addiction is an addiction to the internet and its related activities.

Sometimes the world on the artificial side is more important then the real life world. The internet has become as addictive as drugs and alcohol, leading to dozens of ethical and social issues. Many people are so dependent on the internet; they can’t get away from the computer for more then ten minutes. The computer addiction can be a serious problem, for both individuals and the whole societies. The addiction and the problem itself is growing in a fast pace, as more people go online and no solutions are applied to face it.

Visit Center for Internet Addiction Recovery

Internet Dependence

Internet dependence is a term for excessive use of the Internet to the detriment of one’s physical, psychological, social, or professional well-being. Many people now use internet and its resources on a daily basis, surfing the web and looking for desirable data becomes a part of our lives. Anyone can become dependent on the internet.

So is the dependency turning into an addiction? Sometimes yes, it really depends on many factors. Lots of people spend their free time playing computer games; being so addicted leads to other crucial issues. There are centers being created to help and aid the suffering victims of the internet’s ravages. But if one is addicted, can the whole process be reversed?

In the matter of fact it is the choice of the individuals but in many cases addiction leads to a loss of health, being less socialized and an excesive loss of free time. We must always remember that Internet and many computer resources have limits. Those should not be exceeded.

  • Read pp. 371-374 of Computer Confluence
  • Watch the videos on BBC International Technology news
  • Read the Article Internet Addiction in Egypt

Extended use of the Internet

Clearly, children may benefit from Internet usage by keeping in touch with friends and family and, where necessary, gaining support from others (Subrahmanyam et al. 2000). However, there is some concern regarding children who spend long hours on the Internet, even where they are not accessing offensive material." (Stanely 2001)

Extended use of the Internet has been found to be associated with a decline in wellbeing, in the form of the development of depression and loneliness (Kraut, Patterson, Lundmark et al. 1998, reported by Subrahmanyam et al. 2000). This is thought to be due to the substitution of time to the Internet, at the expense of off-line face-to-face supportive social relationships and social activities. However, there is some indication that such an adverse impact may be of a temporary nature."(Stanely 2001)
