

Criterion A – the issue and stakeholder(s)

Social/ethical concerns may include:

 Privacy/security of customer data eg there is a concern about who has access to the facial features which uniquely identify the individual

 Reliability of facial recognition software eg facial recognition software is not 100% reliable and a person could be wrongly identified as underage and refused service

 Reliability of the hardware eg cameras may malfunction or break down increasing queues and causing frustration to customers

Stakeholders may include

 Customers - whose faces are being scanned and whose images are stored on the supermarket network

 The supermarket - which needs to provide scanning facility, data storage and data protection

Criterion B – The IT concepts and processes

Answers provided in the article include:

• Cameras photograph customers at the checkout tills

• The system uses facial recognition software

• Software takes measurements between key points on the face

• Pictures are transmitted to the central control center

• Images are stored on a computer

• Facial features are scanned against a database of images of previously scanned faces

• The system recognizes past customers

• A signal alerts the cashier if a past customer could not provide proof of age or if the customer is over 18

If there is no additional information to that in the article the candidate cannot be awarded

more than [2 marks].

Answers beyond the article may include:

• Facial recognition software extracts distinguishing features on a face such as distance between the eyes, nose width, shape of cheekbones

• Scans are sent to a central computer

• These measurements are stored as a numeric code/face print/bio metric template

• 3D imaging could be used ie measure features such as the curves of the face

• The first time the customer is photographed these measurements are stored in a database

• On a return visit the next scan is compared with the stored data

• If a match is found the cashier is alerted – customer underage or customer has provided proof of age

• If no match is found the cashier is alerted and requests proof of age from the customer

• Details are added to the database along with the new customer’s facial scan

Relationship between the IT system referred to in the article and the concern presented in Criterion A.

Privacy may be an issue if data is not properly secured

 eg if the database of customer facial scans is not secured by passwords/firewalls - unauthorized persons can gain access to an individual’s unique characteristics

Reliability would be a concern if:

 the software matching is not 100% accurate – this could be affected by wearing glasses, hair style change, bad lighting, poor resolution if the customer is too far away from the camera

 the hardware is faulty or breaks down

Candidates are expected to make reference to relevant stakeholders, information technologies, data and processes. Candidates will be expected to refer to ‘how the IT system works’ using appropriate IT terminology

Criterion C - The impact of the issue(s) on stakeholders

Customer advantages may include:

 Once scanned customers do not continually need to produce proof of age

 Parents may feel this assists them in preventing underage drinking

 As the database builds up customers may be served faster

Customer disadvantages may include:

 Software errors leading to customers wrongly identified as under 18 and refused service

 Lack of security leading to unauthorized access to personal data

 Problems with hardware leading to increased wait times in queues

Supermarket advantages may include:

 Less work for cashiers as computers do more of the ID checking

 A more rigorous system helping supermarkets to better comply with Government laws

 Less stress for cashiers as machines are seen to be making the decisions

Supermarket disadvantages may include:

 Angry customers if errors occur

 Cost to set up the system

 Time and cost to train staff

 Customers trying to change their appearance and fool the system

 Cost of implementing security measures in order to protect customer data

For 3 marks the evaluation must go beyond the information provided in the article.

Criterion D - A solution to a problem arising from the article

Answers may include:

Solutions to the problem of software/hardware reliability

 Use of 3D scanning - increases accuracy by inclusion of depth cues

 Multiple checkouts/more than one camera - compensates for hardware failure

Solutions to the problem security/privacy of customer data

 Levels of passwords to prohibit unauthorized access – no access by cashiers, store workers

 A firewall if data is stored in a central database which is accessible from outside

 Encryption of data in transit if data is sent to a main computer off site

Solutions to the problem of cost to supermarkets

 As underage drinking is a social problem a Government subsidy may be appropriate

 Fines for customers attempting to purchase alcohol could be collected by the Government and redirected towards funding the equipment

 Governments could standardize on hardware and software, fund the purchase and set up a national database at no expense to supermarkets

For 3 marks the evaluation must go beyond the information provided in the article.