Advance Directives

Advance Directives help ensure that your wishes are given effect, so that you and your family can have peace of mind


With a little help from your friends at The Law Office of Jim D. Sarlis, your assets can be protected, your care can be assured, and medical and end-of-life decisions can be made with dignity for all involved.


We can help ensure that your wishes are given effect, so that you and your family can have peace of mind. Whether you need a last will and testament, trust, living will, health care proxy, durable power of attorney, or other kind of estate planning tool, our philosophy is to explain all your options clearly so you can decide which solutions fit your needs best.

Advance Directives: Wills, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, and Health Care Proxies: Creating documents that detail your health care and end-of-life decisions is a loving example of how much you care about your family.

We are compassionate and mindful of the sensitive nature of these concerns. We can provide legal assistance during the drafting of these documents to help you provide your loved ones with a clear expression of your wishes, as well as the authority to carry them out.

Jim D. Sarlis is the author of articles on these and related subjects. To view an article by Jim D. Sarlis on Advance Directives, click HERE (see also New Power of Attorney Law article, by clicking HERE, as well as an article on MOLST: Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment, by clicking HERE). To view a reprint of a published article written by him on assisted signatures (i.e., when the person signing needs help holding the pen), click HERE. To view a reprint of a published article co-authored by Jim D. Sarlis recommending going beyond the routine Advance Directives to address deactivation of the Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), click HERE.

You can also go to our Articles & Bulletins and Blog sections for articles on a variety of topics, written by Jim D. Sarlis and others. Check out our Videos section, too. For example, to view a video about Power of Attorney, click HERE. In our Definitions section, we explain commonly used terms.