

Click below to view videos on topics relevant to the fields of law in which we concentrate




Medicaid Planning, Elder Law, and qualifying for Medicaid  Interesting, informative video by Virginia Certified Elder Law Attorney provides good summary and worthwhile viewing for New Yorkers*  

Elder Abuse  This video discusses and defines examples of Elder Abuse, as well as warning signs to look for.


The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys advocates more protection of elders in Nursing Homes  NAELA advocates more protection for elders in the #1 choice for long term care 


Senior Church Choir sings rap, hip hop   Seniors sing well-known songs by Eminem, MC Hammer, Pussy Cat Dolls, etc. (Oddly entertaining, especially the finale -- over one million views on YouTube)  

The Credit Crisis Visualized - Parts 1 and 2  Graphics visually explaining credit crisis simply and clearly (over one million views on YouTube)


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan  Obama transition team experts discuss the plan and how it works (as of January 8, 2009)


Fred Thompson on the Economy  Hilarious summary of the state of the economy and the measures being taken to fix it, dripping with tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. Regardless of your political leanings, you should find this very engaging and thought-provoking.  (As of December 2008)

                  Trying to spend our way out of our current economic crisis "is like telling a fat guy the way to lose weight is to eat more donuts ..."


Guardianship of an adult: The Guardianship Project  Video by The Guardianship Project explains Guardianship and the work of the project


How to give someone Power of Attorney  LawInfo video explains Powers of Attorney



Real Estate Transactions in New York  This video series answers many of the common questions people have about real estate transactions. This series consists of three videos:

                                 -  Why you need a lawyer 

                                 -  Closing costs

                                 -  Comparing mortgages




Also visit our Articles & Bulletins section for in-depth explanations on a variety of topics, as well as our Blogsection for news, updates, and bulletins.   In our Definitions section, we explain commonly used terms.


* Consult a New York trusts & estates/elder law attorney to review your particular situation.

The above videos are presented for general information purposes only.  They are not to be considered legal, financial, or tax advice, nor is a client-lawyer relationship formed.  Every situation is unique and you should discuss your particular situation with an attorney or other professional.  We are not responsible for, and cannot express any opinion as to the accuracy or validity of, their content.  No view or technique presented in any video is endorsed nor condemned by us. The views expressed in these videos are not necessarily the views of Jim D. Sarlis, The Law Office of Jim D. Sarlis, its principals or its staff. Site content that is not our original product includes items that remain the property of their respective owners.