PreAP Chemistry

Distance Learning

(Due to COVID-19)

Latest Updated from Fort Bend ISD

Visit FORT BEND ISD COVID-19 INFORMATION for the latest updates related to COVID-19 from Fort Bend ISD directly, including school closures, curriculum and instructions as well as community awareness and services.

At-Home Learning

  • What is it? At-Home Learning is an initiative FBISD took as part of its phased transition into Online Learning. It is a collection of resources (websites, apps and programs) available for students and parents to support them as they start thinking of how to continue with the educational experience while we are out-of-school.
  • Link:
  • Is any assignments/tools in At-Home Learning? No. At-Home Learning is not content curriculum-based learning that are teacher directed. None of these are going to be for a grade.

HHS PreAP Chemistry Online Sessions


Date: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Starting on the week of March 30, Monday.

Time: Asynchronous (At your own time) while being mindful of the due dates.


All lessons will be in Schoology under the folder Student Onine Learning.

Calendar of Events

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Questions Submission Form

Answers to Questions

On Grading/Exams

Do we have semester exam?

That has not been determined yet by the district. We will let you know as soon as the district has made that decision.

I have a younger brother in the district his teacher is giving instruction and according to her grades. Is this correct? I was under the impression we weren’t ready to transition into online learning.

The district time timeline is very explicit that we are not expected to do anything, instruction-wise, for a grade. This week, teachers are getting ready to re-engage you, our students, in a more formal way content-wise. Next week, we will start rolling out Online Learning the way the district has envisioned it to be. By April 3, we will start formal teacher-facilitated learning.

On Scheduling

When does online school start?

The district will have a "soft" launch next week and formal teacher-led instructions will start on April 3.

Are we expected to meet on zoom daily for class discussions?

As of today (3/25), content related events are optional. Nothing is mandatory while the district is still working to make online learning equitable and accessible for everyone. By next week, we will have a more structured way of approaching online learning. By April, we will be meeting on a more regular basis for the material that we have not covered yet. As to what form that takes (zoom, schoology conferences or any other online video conferencing app), is still open. What is certain is that I will have a fixed schedule of "Virtual Office/Consultation Hours" daily. So, the short answer is yes we will be meeting regularly. Is it going to be everyday? I would say no (for the mandatory ones) but I will be available everyday and there will be regular offline assignments.

On Instruction

What website are we doing the learning from?

Schoology will be our staple mode of instruction. All the lessons will be under a black folder called Student Online Learning.

In addition to that, we will be utilizing various functionalities that will allow us to have face-to-face, real-time engagement such as video conferencing with either Schoology Conferences or Zoom Conference Call.

When will school reopen?

If you are talking about online learning (Virtual School), we are going through that process right now. At-Home Learning is the initial phase. This week, teachers are getting their training. Next week, we will start re-engaging you. April 3 is when we formally start instruction.

If you are talking about going back to our physical campuses, with the current situation, we are officially out-of-school and working-from-home til April 10. Understand that this is a fluid situation, however, so things can change almost on a daily basis so don't be surprised if we are not back in school after April 10. What we are certain of is that the district has prepared for both contingencies. We will be ready for when we come back to school or extend online learning.