AP Chemistry


AP Chemistry is designed to provide the student with the equivalent of an introductory first year course sequence in COLLEGE CHEMISTRY. This course is structured around the enduring understandings within the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. The course is designed for college-bound students who either would like to earn college credit (by AP examination) or would like to prepare for college chemistry while in high school. This is accomplished through an intensive, in-depth approach. It is highly recommended that the student take the College Board's Advance Placement test in Chemistry. The score on this test will be evaluated by the College Board and the scores reported to the colleges of the student's choice. Scores of one and two on the test will general not qualify the student to receive credit. Scores of three, four, or five (the maximum score possible) will generally allow the student to place out of freshman courses. The amount of credit granted varies by grade and by university. The grade earned in the class is independent of the Advance Placement test. The laboratory portion of this class is to be the equivalent of a college laboratory experience. Because some colleges require proof of the laboratory portion of the course before granting credit, all students will keep a laboratory notebook.

Calculator Policy: Refer to the College Board Webpage

Because of the nature of this course and the amount of new material that will be covered, a strong preparatory background in Chemistry is a requirement. The topics that I expect that you already know include the following.

  • Significant Figures
  • Dimensional Analysis
  • Atomic Structure
  • Electron Configurations
  • Chemical Bonding/Electron Dot Structures
  • VSEPR Theory
  • Acid-Base Chemistry
  • Nuclear Chemistry
  • Chemical Names and Formulas
  • Chemical Reactions (balancing and completing)
  • Periodicity
  • Behavior of Gases
  • Mole Concept
  • Mole Calculations
  • Stoichiometry
  • Making and Interpreting of Charts/Graphs
  • Making Observations from Laboratory Situations