HHS NHS Class of 2015 Member Service Hours

As a member of NHS in good standing, you are expected to render at least 1 hour of service a week and be responsible for logging your volunteer hours accurately and in a timely manner. In order to get credit, your volunteer hours must be submitted using this form within 1 week of rendering the service. Service hours will be verified weekly by your advisor-in-charge. In addition, you will be keeping a printed copy of your NHS Volunteer Hours sheet (available below) complete with signature. This sheet will be collected at the end of every grading period.

REMEMBER, service is something rendered without expecting any material or predetermined return.

The following may NOT be considered as creditable service:

  • tutoring (home)
  • baby-sitting
  • household chores (lawn mowing, home cleaning, etc.)
  • helping in a family/relative's business
  • service that cannot be verified

If you are not sure, ask!