Past paper questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Answers to questions on prose fiction should address relevantly the central concern(s)/theme(s) of the text(s) and be supported by reference to appropriate techniques of prose fiction such as: characterisation, setting, key incident(s), narrative technique, symbolism, structure, climax, plot, atmosphere, dialogue, imagery . . .

1. Choose a novel or short story in which an element of mystery plays an important part.

Show how the development and resolution of the mystery contributed to your enjoyment of the text as a whole.

2. Choose a novel or short story in which the method of narration makes a major contribution to its impact.

Describe the method of narration and explain why you feel it makes a major contribution to your appreciation of the text as a whole.

3. Choose a novel or short story which is set in the past.

Discuss to what extent, despite the distance in time, you were engaged by the actions and beliefs of one of the characters.

4. Choose a novel or short story which explores in an effective way a theme which is important to you.

Explain how the writer develops the theme and show how to what extent she or he has effectively engaged your interest in it.

5. Choose a novel or short story which is influenced by the presence of a powerful or overbearing character.

Show how the writer created this impression of the character and discuss to what extent you felt you could sympathise with him or her.

6. Choose a novel or short story with a dramatic or shocking ending.

Show how the writer creates the effect and discuss to what extent it added to your appreciation of the text as a whole.

7. Choose a novel or short story in which the writer makes effective use of symbolism.

Show how the writer made use of this technique to enhance your appreciation of the text as a whole.

8. Choose a novel or short story in which a conflict between two of the main characters is central to the story.

Explain how the conflict arises and go on to discuss in detail how the writer uses it to explore an important theme.