Close Reading

Remember that the purpose of your Reading Journal is to help you develop the reading skills necessary to do well in Close Reading. Of course, a pleasant by-product of this is that you will be building your vocabulary and finding more out about important issues. If you need another Reading Journal, contact Jerry.

In case you've forgotten here's some of the links for the kind of papers you should be reading. Remember you need to be reading Comment or Opinion-based articles (ie. articles where the writer has an easily identifiable, and usually, strong point of view). Don't read straight news-reporting articles (ie. the kind of articles that you find on front pages).


Questions on meaning from context and linking questions

Close Reading revision - questions and answers

Feedback on practice Close Reading - 03 Feb

Click on the resource you require:

The Guardian: Comment is Free

Charlie Brooker

The Herald: Opinion section

Spiked online

Further advice and tips on Close Reading:

BBC Bitesize Close Reading Revision Page

BBC Bitesize Close Reading - Ask a teacher

SQA advice on Close Reading

Link to SQA website which gives marking guidance for Paper 1 (Close Reading) and Paper 2 from 2002 - 2008:

This is an interesting, if at times more demanding, look at close reading:

Close Reading Revision