"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Click here for online text of the story.

Click here for Gilman’s article “Why I wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’”

Click here for review questions on the text.

Click here for useful quotations and commentary.

Click here for a selection of past paper questions which would be suitable for this text.

Below are links that you might find interesting:

Link to radio play adaptation: http://www.scribblingwomen.org/cgwallpaper.htm

Review of Maggie O'Farrell's "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox" (http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2006/sep/02/featuresreviews.guardianreview19)

You might want to read "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte at some stage: read it free by going to this link ... http://www.bibliomania.com/0/-/frameset.html

Article on "women and madness" in 19th Century: http://www.herstoria.com/discover/madness.html

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