
Welcome to the Higher English site for Jerry's class at Stevenson College Edinburgh.

This site has a number of purposes and it is down to you to utilise it to its full potential.

On the left-hand-side you'll see a navigation menu which will take you to various resources.

A lot of the resources are ones that I've already given out in class. However there are additional online resoures (eg. links to other sites) that you may find useful.

You can also join, start or set up your own discussion on a topic associated with Higher English by clicking on "Comment" at the end of each page.

Please note: I have since left Stevenson College and, indeed, no longer live in Scotland. I think that folk stumble across this site now and again. If you do and you are a Higher English student, be advised that all details about the Higher English course on this site dates from, at the latest, the summer of 2010. However, you may find some of the resources on texts and techniques useful (or then again, maybe you won't).

dots by jerryoneill, made at DoInk.com


Click here to view the class's common spelling errors. Keep testing yourself on these.