Class group work on novel

Chapter One - introducing Holden and his story.

Chapters two and three - Holden says goodbye to Mr Spencer and goes back to the dorm and talks to Ackley.

Chapters four and five - describes Stradlater and Ackley. Holden finds out about Stradlater going on a date with Jane.

Chapters six and seven - Holden fights Stradlater and leaves Pencey.

Chapters eight and nine: On the train to New York. Holden wants to phone lots of people. Books into a cheap, seedy hotel.

Chapters ten and eleven: Dances with three out-ot-town women in The Lavendar Room in the hotel. Holden reminisces about Jane. There is a suggestion that Jane may have been abused by her step-father.

Chapters tweleve and thirteen: Holden goes to jazz club. Chats with cab driver about ducks. Walks back to hotel. Reflects on being "yellow". Maurice, the pimp/elevator-boy, sends a prostitute, Sunny, up to Holden. Sunny is about Holden's age. Holden feels strange and just talks to her.

Chapter 14: It's early Sunday morning at this stage. Maurice comes back with Sunny and demands more money - assaults Holden and takes his money. Holden fantasises that he is a character from a gangster movie and that he has been shot.

Chapter 15: Doesn't ring Jane again - motif of inaction. Makes date with Sally. Meets nuns. Chats to nun about Romeo and Juliet (juxtaposition of the romantic love and celibacy)

Chapter 16: Tries to get in contact with Jane. Goes looking for Phoebe. Nearly goes to the museum. Reference to title of book - "if a body catch a body coming though the rye ..." Holden and sally at the theatre. Holden's thoughts on theatre.

Chapter 17 and 18: Ice-skating with Sally. Holden tries to connect with Sally. Tries to get in contact with Jane. Goes to the movies. Holden's summary of the film - his thoughts on "phony" stories.

Chapters 19 and 20: Meets older friend, Carl Luce, in Wicker Bar. Sexual confusion and immaturity. Visits ducks. Thinks about Alllie and death. Holden heads for home.