Your responsibilities

Higher English is a challenging course.

In order to succeed on the course, you must prove that you are committed. This means that you need to attend each class. If you miss a class, it is up to you to find out what you missed. It is not always good enough just to get a copy of handouts; look at a classmate’s handouts and take down any notes that they’ve made. Get them to explain what the notes mean.

The classes themselves can be intense and hard work. You need to be prepared to engage positively with the exercises and tasks in class.

If you are ill, you need to contact your tutor.

If you miss a Unit assessment, you will need to provide a doctor’s certificate explaining your absence if you don’t want to lose your second chance at the assessment.

Ensure that you arrive in good time for each class. Do not arrive with your breakfast but please bring a bottle of water to each class.

You will be treated with respect by your lecturer; we ask that you show respect, in turn, to everyone in the class.

Finally, bring pen and paper every day.