Waif of the River (Sequel to the Crooked Furrow and Happy Harvest)

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published 1952

"Farnol fell ill, & never recovered, during the writing of this book. The ending was dictated to his wife Phyllis who probably wrote some little parts of it, whereas his last posthumous novel Justice by Midnight was unfinished at the time of her husband's death & she wrote a goodly portion of that one." Jessica Amanda Salmonson

A young woman, unconscious and near to drowning, rescued from the muddy waters of London's river 'Thames - an impetuous young man who, by quarelling with his adopted father and his best friend, nearly ruins his life - the disappearance of one of two sisters whose guardians employ a bodyguard of Italian thugs - the mysteries of the handsome "Bet" who can handle a boat like a man - and Jasper Shrig, the famous Bow Street runner, who despite "windictiveness" uncovers a conspiracy of intended murder and embezzlement; around these characters Jeffery Farnol has woven a story of love and hate, of mystery changed to happiness, of intrigue foiled and mystery uncovered, and through the whole pattern like a wide silver thread runs the 'Thames, for on and around it, and sometimes in it, the action of this very human story takes place.

Waif of the River will please all those readers who know Jeffery Farnol's novels, and take joy in recognising characters who have appeared in other stories - and will delight those to whom it will be a first introduction to this famous author whose powers of description of scene and action, and symathetic and understanding portrayal of human character, placed him in the forefront of writers of romance.