The Money Moon  ‡

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published 1911

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Review from Newport Vintage Books

A Romance of Today.

"The Money Moon is a light-hearted romance. Jilted in love, our American millionaire hero, George Bellow, takes a walking tour of the Kent countryside to overcome the “Haunting Spectre of the Might Have Been”. Along the way he makes friends with a young boy out to discover a fortune to save his Aunt Anthea from having to sell the family estate and George discovers his ideal “Arcadia” and true love." John Lieder

"Farnol's usual method of constructing a swashbuckling "road" adventure is modernized in this, the best of that small group of his books that is not a historical. An American crushed by love deals with his heartbreak by setting out on a walking tour of England. The people he meets on his simultaneously amusing & suspenseful journey invariably parallels the Elizabethan characters of his his better known books. The tale was adapted as a silent film in 1920, directed by Fred Paul & starring Stella Meryvn Campbell & Gordon Craig." Jessica Amanda Salmonson