The Fool Beloved *

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published  1949

"A tale of romance & swordplay in old Italy, much in the manner of Sabatini." Jessica Amanda Salmonson

"The scene of this romance in the typical Jeffery Farnol vein is the Duchy of Celonia, ruled over by the young and beautiful Duchess Jenevra. The hero is brave, adventurous Count Angelo, who, early in the story, loses his identity during a murderous attack in a tavern, and wears for a while the clothes of his murdered friend, with whom he was travelling. Angelo has been abroad, and he now finds that the attack in the tavern was part of a wicked scheme to put power in the hands of the evil Sebastian and his companion Gonzago. It was they who planned the attempt on his life, and who, more successfully, poisoned Angelo's brother, the famous soldier and statesman, Fortunio. Sebastian believes that Angelo is dead, but the young Count meets a jester playing merrily on his flute, and persuades him to change clothes. Thus disguised, Angelo haunts the Court, and with the aid of friends and his own keen wits, gradually brings justice back once more to the Duchy of Celonia; and he also woos successfully the beautiful Duchess Jenevra." Newport Vintage Books

Extended plot summary (by Jeffrey Bidwell):

[Chapter 1].Three assassins (Florizel, Rodrigo, Annibal) plot at the Black Horse Tavern to ambush and kill Count Angelo of Fidena, who, returning to the Duchy of Celonia from 5 years at the University of Oxenford, England, is accompanied by his friend Sir John Courtenay. The assassins' orders are from the Spanish Lord Gonzago. Angelo and Sir John have swapped cloaks and hats to test whether Angelo's brother Fortunio can recognise Angelo after 5 years. Angelo's cloak, given to him by Julio Morelli, a falsely accused exile, contains a list of traitors to the Duchy, to be given to Fortunio, who is his friend. The assassination attempt fails, Sir John is killed, together with Florizel, and Angelo escapes.

[Chapter 2]. Fortunio and his old military companion Jacomo, wait in the castle of Fidena for Angelo's return. Duchess Jenevra begs them to attend a feast to celebrate their recent victory in battle. She declares, though betrothed of long standing to Angelo, she will never wed him because he was 'craven' - reading books in England and avoiding warfare. She leaves, escorted by Gonzago.

[Chapter 3]. Fortunio and Jacomo are killed by poisoned wine "sent" by Jenevra to be consumed at 10pm and delivered by Astorgio, sent by Gonzago, who wishes to wed Jenevra to become the Count of Celonia.

[Chapter 4]. Sebastian is in league with Gonzago to gain power in Celonia. He accuses Gonzago of reckless folly by murdering Fortunio. Rodrigo appears and delivers Angelo's cloak - he reads and destroys the note which accuses Gonzago and Sebastian of treason.

[Chapter 5]. Manfred and Andrea discover the bodies of Fortunio and Jacomo, as Angelo returns to the castle. Angelo obtains a Jester's costume and assumes a Jester's identity to be at Court unrecognised, in order to uncover the plotters, with Manfred's and Andrea's help.

[Chapter 6]. Ippolito and Astorgio are rivals for the affection of Fiametta. Ippolito and Fiametta meet in the castle garden and hide as Astorgio approaches discussing poems with his aide Luigi. Jenevra approaches, as the Jester makes rhyme referring to Fortunio and Jacomo's poison: he tells Jenevra to beware before he disappears.

[Chapter 7]. In her private garden, Jenevra is wooed by Gonzago. She promises to wed him if he discovers Fortunio's murderers.

[Chapter 8]. The Jester appears and repeats his warning of evil to Jenevra in jingling rhyme. Sebastian and Lord Emilio Cavalcanti approach and read to her a forged letter from "Antonio Friuli" to Sebastian, accusing Angelo of traitorous correspondence whilst in England, with Julio Morelli; and tell Jenevra they believe Fortunio knew of this and thus, shamed, committed suicide. The Jester re-interprets the letter to Jenevra, pronouncing it a lie. Jenevra proclaims it as false and will so declare to the Council of Ten. Sebastian and Cavalcanti reveal to her that the wine she sent to Fortunio was poisoned. The Jester scorns them and disappears.

[Chapter 9]. Jenevra seeks counsel from Father Clement (Clem), who shows her how the poison flasks could have been switched. Jenevra reveals her admiration of the Jester and departs. The Jester ("Bimbo") meets Father Clem and reveals that he is Angelo.

[Chapter 10]. Father Clem tells Angelo of Jenevra's feelings for Bimbo; he gives Angelo a chain mail vest for protection and offers him lodging in the hut. Enter Pedrillo (Rillo), a hunchback and known to Angelo of old, who provides Angelo with a further disguise.

[Chapter 11]. At Court, Gonzago meets first, Astorgio, and reminds him that he delivered the fatal poison to Fortunio and Jacomo; next Sebastian, whom he reminds of Friuli's letter, and how Sebastian must persuade Jenevra to be silent or face accusation of poisoning. The Council meets without proclamation by Jenevra about the Friuli letter.

[Chapter 12]. Jenevra meets the Jester once more in the garden and he woos her. She reveals she is suspected of Fortunio's death and must, by ancient law, wed within six months, so thus to Gonzago. Gonzago appears in the garden.

[Chapter 13]. Gonzago reveals that Count Francesco Loredano, banished by Fortunio for treachery, has stolen back and been recognised (see Chapter 39); and also that he suspects Sebastian's motives. The Jester mocks. Enter Sebastian, Astorgio, Andrea and Manfred. Sebastian questions Astorgio about the poisoned wine, who reveals he was accompanied by Luigi and page, Beppo. Jenevra, prompted by the Jester, asks to examine Luigi and Beppo instantly. The Jester, in rhyme, suggests that Luigi is already dead and buried. Gonzago is impressed by the Jester's mockery of Sebastian. Beppo (but not Luigi) is found, questioned, and reveals that Luigi left in the night with a cloaked woman. Enter Cavalcanti, who reveals Luigi is the brother of the banished Francesco Loredano, and produces a letter dropped beneath astorgio's window, wheren Luigi writes to francesco that that he, Luigi, has murdered Fortunio and none now stand between their vengeance on Jenevra except Sebastian, who will soon also be dead; and summons Francesco to be ready with his army. Jenevra asks for Bimbo's counsel. He rhymes the "if" rhyme, declaring the letter false, and exits, having enraged all but Jenevra.

[Chapter 14]. Angelo declares his love for Jenevra to father Clem and that he wishes to win her as "Bimbo", not as Angelo. He hides in a tree when Jenevra enters with Luigi's letter and questions Clem about Bimbo: they depart for matins. Enter Andrea and Manfred followed by Ippolito. Angelo reveals to them that he is masquerading as the Jester.

[Chapter 15]. Angelo plans to enter the castle to obtain evidence against Sebastian. Beppo is rescued by Angelo from murderous pursuit.

[Chapter 16]. Beppo had found Luigi's dagger near the droopy tree, where he had seen lights (burial of Luigi). Jenevra warns the Council that she disbelieves the suicide theory and suspects some of the Council of treachery. Beppo reveals he witnessed the switching of wine flasks by Luigi. Angelo plans to dig up Luigi's body and treat it with phosphorus, to frighten the real murderers into revealing themselves.

[Chapter 17]. Angelo is helped to resurrect Luigi's body and move it into the castle grounds.

[Chapter 18]. In the castle, Cavalcanti confesses nervousness about The Jester to Sebastian. Sebastian plots to poison Gonzago and dispose of the Jester. The Jester is seen and pursued in the garden - they see Luigi's ghostly corpse in the temple. Sebastian faints.

[Chapter 19]. He awakes in Gonzago's care. Gonzago asks who killed Luigi but Sebastian will not say.

[Chapter 20]. Gonzago befriends Astorgio to his own ends. Sebastian asks to speak to Gonzago but is denied. The Jester appears and discusses God and the devil with Gonzago. Sebastian's guard, headed by Vittorio Manucci, appears to escort the Jester to Sebastian. Gonzago refuses. They fight, Manfred and Fortunio's veteran guard appear; Ippolito, Fiametta and Jenevra follow; but the Jester has disappeared.

[Chapter 21]. Angelo is attacked in Clem's hut but the rapier used is bent on his chain mail vest; his bauble is destroyed. Clem reveals that the Jester is sought for Luigi's murder; Jenevra insisted on his fair hearing if caught and wept for him. Angelo prepares to abandon his Jester disguise but to visit Jenvra first.

[Chapter 22]. Jenevra and the Jester meet that night in the castle garden. Angelo reveals his face. Jenevra calls him "Fidelio". Angelo reveals his plan to vanish but to watch over her secretly as the Phantom; he steals a kiss and departs.

[Chapter 23]. Gonzago and his lover Carlotta discuss their relationship. Later, Gonzago meets Manucci in the arbour and Annibal and Rodrigo (see Chapter 1) hold Manucci at knife point. Manucci switches allegiance to Gonzago after it is revealed that Gonzago knows Manucci is actually Jean Collet, a condemned and escaped prisoner, retained by Sebastian in a plot to poison Gonzago. He is released to spy on Sebastian. Annibal and Rodrigo are set to watch Cavalcanti, Fabriano and Podi and to spread rumours that Sebastian is suspected by the Duchess of Fortunio's murder; and that Sebastian is scheming to frame the Duchess for the same murder, since the wine was sent by her.

[Chapter 24]. Jenevra meets the "hairy gardener" (Angelo) in her private garden and knows him for her Fidelio. Cavalcanti appears to beg Jenevra to reinstate Sebastian, whom she has now dismissed. Angelo irritates Cavalcanti - they fight, Cavalcanti is beaten and withdraws. He returns with Fabriano, Grimani and Podi, who ask her to sign an agreement whereby they are given authority to govern the Duchy until she is wed. She refuses, Gonzago and Annibal appear. Gonzago is named chief councillor. They all depart, leaving a dejected Angelo.

[Chapter 25]. Angelo speaks to Clem of his love for Jenevra and duty to Fortunio. He masquerades as the gardener once more and, borrowing Pedrillo's staff, fares forth…

[Chapter 26]. … he wards off an attack on Gonzalo and is rewarded with a purse. Gonzago enters Sebastian's cabinet to find Manucci writing. He forges a letter (sucide note from Sebastian). Gonzago receives Sebastian who is strangled by Manucci, hanged, and the forged suicide note, admitting to the murder of Fortunio, is left at the scene.

[Chapter 27]. Jenevra confesses her love for "Fidelio" to Clem. Ippolito arrives and shows her Sebastian's confession. Jenevra realises this means she must wed Gonzago since he discovered Fortunio's murderer.

[Chapter 28]. Angelo, Clem and Pedrillo discuss Gonzago, who has now been granted power over the castle by Jenevra. Angelo vows to return as the Jester.

[Chapter 29]. Astorgio, now elevated by means of his friendship with Gonzago, befriends Annibal. He tries to woo Fiametta once more. The Jester appears with rhymes mocking Astorgio, and departs. Jenevra, who was listening concealed, follows him. "Fidelio" warns Jenevra against the follies of the Duchess.

[Chapter 30]. Gonzago fortifies the castle with his own men. He suspects the Jester is really Angelo. Carlotta confronts him but is dismissed. Annibal escorts the Jester into Gonzago's presence. They discuss Angelo. Manfred interrupts in timely fashion and leads the Jester away.

[Chapter 31]. Annibal follows to question the Jester about Angelo and leads him to a private garden, bidding the Jester enter first, and stabbing him in the back. Saved by the chain mail, the Jester floors Annibal and finds on him a note from Gonzago to Fabriano, bidding him to be at the castle three night's hence at 10pm. The letter is resealed and replaced so that Annibal can deliver it.

[Chapter 32]. The Jester (armed) and Pedrillo leave but stumble upon Rodrigo, talking to Carlotta, whom he has been sent to kill. Rodrigo is knocked out by Pedrillo and Carlotta flees. Rodrigo is taken to Clem by Pedrillo and the Jester makes for the garden of the sundial.

[Chapter 33]. He meets Jenevra (as the Jester). She tells him an unknown woman (Carlotta?) has warned her that she must banish the Jester or wed him to save his life. "Fidelio" answers 'banish him'; "Bimbo" answers 'wed him'. Gonzago interrupts. Jenevra tells him she will never wed him (Gonzago). The Jester and Gonzago fight with rapiers and daggers, Gonzago trips and is beaten, issues a warning of death, and leaves. Jenevra promises herself to wed Fidelio/Jester and they depart to be married by Clem.

[Chapter 34]. In Father Clem's garden, Jenevra reveals she tripped Gonzago during the swordplay to the advantage of the Jester. They argue, the Jester accuses her of dishonour, their relationship sours. Clem intervenes and reveals that the Jester is Angelo. Jenevra, deceived, flees. Angelo vows to pursue her and achieve a reconciliation. He escorts her from Clem's hut into the forest.

[Chapter 35]. The Jester woos Jenevra and they are reconciled. Father Clem appears, with news that Gonzago has seized the castle and is in communication with the exiled Loredano.

[Chapter 36]. Jenevra, Angelo, Clem, Andrea, Manfred, Pedrillo and Ippolito meet in Clem's hut. Ippolito has, at the Black Horse tavern, overheard Loredano, Cavalcanti and Fabriano; and Gonzago is confirmed as a traitor. Carlotta arrives and pleads to be escorted via any secret ways (if they know of such) into the castle to plead with Gonzago to halt his plan. Angelo agrees to take her.

[Chapter 37]. Angelo leads her to a secret entrance. It opens. Angelo is betrayed, Gonzago is waiting for him, planning a wedding feast (to Jenevra). Angelo is bound to a chair. Gonzago admits to Fortunio's murder. He offers to let Angelo live, if he agrees to leave and never return. Angelo refuses. Gonzago tells him he will wed Jenevra. She appears, frightened and escorted by armed men.

[Chapter 38]. To avoid the threat of war and invasion by Loredano, Jenevra capitulates and she and Gonzago are wed. Angelo is released. Gonzago drinks a toast to his bride. It has been poisoned by Carlotta. She also drinks it and they die together.

[Chapter 39]. Angelo and a retinue go to fight Loredano's army whilst Jenevra pines for him, believing him slain. Manfred, returning wounded, believes he saw Angelo and Andrea surrounded and presumably killed. Jenevra visits Clem, who has faith that they are still alive. She sleeps in his hut. At sunset Angelo appears. Andrea is only wounded. Angelo sleeps. Jenevra wakes and passes him: he calls to her as the Jester. They meet, and are finally wed by Father Clem.