My Lord of Wrybourne (sequel to Heritage Perilous)

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published 1948

The great house of Wrybourne Feveril, and all within it, were at peace. The Earl of Wrybourne had retired from his seafaring life, and was happy to have his charming wife and young heir about him, content to devote his time and energies to the upkeep and care of his lands and tenants. But dark days lay ahead for the earl.

Sir Robert Chalmers, having lost his right hand in a duel with the earl, was sworn to vengeance. He plotted to destroy the peace of Wrybourne, to sow jealousy between the earl and his wife, and to kidnap the boy heir. One by one, in this evil design, the earl loses his dearest friends: his cousin, Lord Scrope, believing Wrybourne to be in love with his wife, vows to kill him; twice his murder is attempted; in pride, the earl dismisses his closest companion, and finally his child is kidnapped, and his wife, though devoted, flies from him.

Many of the characters in this new novel will be happily remembered from previous Jeffery Farnol romances, others are new, drawn with all the skill that one expects from a master in the art of grand story-telling. In "My Lord of Wrybourne," Jeffery Farnol has once again captured the spirit of excitement of the days of the past, infusing them with a masterly sense of atmosphere and urgency that makes all his stories such firm favourites and so delightfully readable.