Justice by Midnight

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published 1956

"This is the last book from the magic pen of that master of romantic fiction, Jeffery Farnol. It was finished in rough form before his death and has been edited for publication by his widow, Mrs. Phyllis Farnol. The story is set in the uneasy England of James II. Rejected love turns the exquisite, soulful Mr. Anthony Armadale into the grim, misogynistic outlaw 'Captain Midnight', the terror of those wealthy autocrats who considered themselves to be above the law. Encouraging him in his daring interventions between Tyranny and its victims, the little parson Aeneas Wade never guesses his identity. Not so the lovely Lady Clarissa Fane, who sees through the embittered mask to the true man beneath it, and the story ends, as all stories should, happily. This is a book that all Farnol fans will wish to have upon their bookshelves." Mark Blanchard