The Jade of Destiny  ‡

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published 1931

eBook at Hathi Trust Digital Library

Jeffery Farnol has of recent years ranged far from the Kent and Sussex of the Regency period which live so bravely in the pages of "The Broad Highway" and "The Amateur Gentleman."

His host of readers will be delighted to know that in this latest novel "A Jade Of Destiny" he has turned to that Merrie England he has made indisputably his own, and has given us a glowing romance of the days of Queen Bess - a romance dealing to some extent with one of the many plots against the life of the great Queen. Two contrasting love stories are woven through this swift-moving, colorful narrative and, as may be expected in a Farnol novel, the drama rises chapter by chapter to the ultimate climax.