The High Adventure

UK Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston and Co. Ltd. (London). First published  1926

Another intriguing Mystery Story.  "A swashbuckling & pugilistic adventure in the same Georgian era & locations as The Broad Highway, with the series detective figure Jasper Shrig putting in an appearance." Jessica Amanda Salmonson

A sense of speed and brilliancy seems to flash from the pages as one follows the varied fortunes of Jeremy Veryan, heir to the Veryan estates, who started out to seek the "High Adventure", and found it in the cause of championing the reckless and profligate Richard Armadale, all to win the love of his ill-fated sister, Olivia. Knight Errant this indeed! - for his dreams are achieved through sheer courage and strength, amidst murderous enemies cloaked in brave finery. Jasper Shrig's astute unravelling of the mystery which surrounds the source of persistent attempts on the hero's life places him in the first rank of fiction detectives.