Country-name-place of name is not good?

Korean claims that is is unproper and no global standard Sea name which use Country name. But Korean claim is filled up with distorture and selfish, and ethno-centristic theories. So Korean claim is nonsense.

for example, Korean use those names,

Strait of Korea (Between Korea and Japan)

West Korean Gulf (between North Korea and China)

East Koran Gulf(Tongjeoseonman/Broughton Bay)

they also claims that they reverts "Sea of Korea" instead of Sea of Japan. what a double standard???

Ofcourse is nothing problem that the Country-name Sea name. Lets open your atlas book during the junior high school?

Check this;

Philippine Ocean (Between Pilippines, Taiwan, and Japan and Palau and so on)

Indian Ocean (Between India, Madagascar, and Indonesia and so on)

East China Sea (Between China and Japan)

South China Sea (Between China ,Vietnam, and Philippines)

Irish Sea

English Channel

Gulf of Bothnia

Denmark Strait

Channel of Mozambique (Between Mozambique and Madagascar)

Singapore Strait

Gulf of Papua

Great Australia Gulf

Gulf of Honduras

Golfo de Venezuela

Jamaica Channel

Gulf of Oman

Gulf of Iran (persian gulf)

Gulf of Guinea

Gulf of Thailand

Timor Sea

Norway Sea (Between Norway and Iceland)

Gulf of Panama

Gulf of Finland

Marta Channel

Gulf of Mexico (Between US and Mexico and Cuba)

Gulf of Oman

Strait of Korea (Between Korea and Japan)

West Korean Gulf (between North Korea and China)

East Koran Gulf(Tongjeoseonman/Broughton Bay)


