Age of Voyage of Discovery around Sea of Japan

Establishemt of the name of Sea of Japan and concreted the name of Strait of Corea is the result and effort of discovery expedition by La Perouse and other explorer's. Though , D'anville's map influenced to increase the name of Sea of Korea in various places Around 1720-1780(See. D'anville pages), this are's division had concreted after the result of discovery tours. By those discovery expedition, the Sea of Japan and Strait of Corea, Broughton Bay had been established.Those recognization was succeeded to Klaploth and Siebold.

La Perouse Found Detroit De Coree(Strait of Corea) and named Sea of Japan on center postion of the sea. 1780's-1820's . by confirming the position, location and relation between Corea, tartary and Japan.

・25日夜間、わが艦は朝鮮の海峡を通過した。日没直後に、日本の海岸が東四分の一北東から東南東にかけて広がり、朝鮮の海岸が北西から北にかけて広がる さまを認めた。海は北東の方角に大きく広がっていくように見えたが、この方角からかなり大きなうねりが来ることがわかり、やはり海はこの方向に広がるので あると確認できた。

南西から疾風、夜は非常に明るかった。追い風を受けて航行、出来る限り縮帆して時速三分の二リユまでしか出ないようにした。太 陽が昇り始めたらすぐに、前日夕刻の測量地点を確認し、朝鮮の海峡の正確な海図を引くためであった。私達の測量はすべてダジュレ氏に委ねられていたが、そ れに基づいて作成される海図の正確さについては、文句のつけようのないものであった。三十分ごとに水深測量を繰り返していて、辿っていくには朝鮮半島沿岸 部のほうが、日本沿岸よりも興味深いように思われたので、朝鮮側から二リユの距離まで近づき、陸地の進む方向に平行して航行することとした。

Refernced from ;La Perouse 太平洋周航記 下 佐藤淳二訳 第十五章 カビナテ出航、台湾・朝鮮海峡から日本海へ

・ 能登岬の測定によってラ・ペルーズは、この海域の水路測量のために大きな貢献をしたのである。なぜなら、朝鮮や沿海州沿岸との関係における日本の位置 は、これによってかなり画定されることになったからである。彼らは次のように言っている。「大多数の読者にとって、まさに不毛と思われるこの短い鑑札のた めに、我々は濃霧おなかでの困難な十日間の航海を要したのだった。地理学者たちは、われわれがこの時間をよく利用したと考えるだろうが、ただわれわれの広 大な計画が、この沿岸、ことにこの国と朝鮮とを判っている海峡の芯の形を記述するtことが出来たと思われる南へ見勝手いくつかの地点を、調査士かつ測定す ることが許されなったことを遺憾におもうであろう。」、

Refernced from ;Philip von Sebold ”Japan" Vol1 第四章 ヨーロッパ人による日本とその海域発見の歴史的概観 P81


The discovery expedition by European exploere around Sea of Japan.

1780.La Perouse's world voyage of discovery Mer Du Japon, Detroit de Coree

Carte generale des decouvertes, faites en 1787 dans les mers de Chine et de Tartarie ou depuis Manille jusqu'a Avatscha, par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe. Atlas du Voyage de la Perouse no. 39. (Paris: L'Imprimerie de la Republique, An V, 1797)Author: La Perouse, Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788

Mer Du Japon, (Carte des decouvertes, faites en 1787 dans les mers de Chine et de Tartariem・・・)

Detroit de Coree (Carte des decouvertes, faites en 1787 dans les mers de Chine et de Tartarie・・・)

(Attached map)

1791.James Colnett Aboard the "Argonaut

Journal of Captain James Colnett Aboard the "Argonaut,2009:biblio-record_entry/1188620/-&format=htmlholdings-full

1798. Broughton', H.M.S Province , discovery tour at east Coast of Corea, Broughton Bay Mer Du Japon.

1807.Voyage de découvertes dans la partie septentrionale de l'océan Pacifique (1807)Author: Broughton, William Robert, 1762-1821; Eyriès, J. B. B. (Jean Baptiste Benoît), 1767-1846, tr

Mer Du Japon (Page XXV/n35)

? (Need to serching for atteched map)

1817. H.M.S Alceste 's expedition around Corean Coast.

Narrative of a voyage in His Majesty's late ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea, and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered islands, to the island of Lewchew : with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Gaspar

East China Sea=Tunghai, Eastern Sea

John M'Leod, H.M.S Alceste , John M'Leod expedition around Corean Coast. Sea of Japan

Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew: Third edition (1820)

Sea of Japan ,Strait of Corea (Page61/n79)

1818. Basil hall Japan Sea

Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island.

Chapter Ⅱ,Enter the Japan Sea (n21/n86)

1818. Krusenstern's world discovery Tour and Sea of Japan

Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803, 1804, 1805 und 1806 auf Befehl Seiner Kaiserliche Majesta"t Alexanders des Ersten auf den Schiffen Nadeschda und Newa"

(Journey around the World in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806 at the Command of his Imperial Majesty Alexander I in the Ships Nadezhda and Neva) (1811.1812)

Japanischen Meere

Atlas of the Pacific, was published in 1823

Adam Johann von Krusenstern's map, 1809-1813.

World MapZoom up around Japan)

море Японское (Japan sea)

Map of Japan 1807. (Zoom up around Strait of Corea )

O.Aaxeresze (Dagelet?)

Hpoanb Kopenckon (strait of Corea)From the atlas: Atlas Iuzhnogo moria by Captain Kruzensh,1826

1826 Sankt-Peterburg,

General'naia karta Iuzhnogo moria. List 2.(General Map)

Argonaut and Dagelet

Японское море (Japan sea)

Tchain-chan tau and Fang-lin-tau, Argonaut and Dagelet 3aanBb Bpoyroha (broughotn bay?)/Hpoanb Kopenckon (strait of Corea)Karta ostrovov Iaponskikh. 1826 (Map of Japan)

1834. Kurl Gutzlaff Sea of Japan, Strait of Korea (attached map)

Journal of Three Voyages Along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832 and 1833: With Notices of Siam, Corea and the Loo Choo Islands (Desert Island Travel)

Argonaut and DageletNothing especially about the names of the sea.

1836 Klaploth's TROYS ROYAUMES

(Translated of San Kokf Tuuran Tsu Setsu (三国通覧図説:Original arthor:Hayashi Shihei))

Mer Du Japon

P12 reference;

(3)Ced deux fleuves sont le Ya lou kiang, qui se jette dans la

mer Jaune et le Tommen outta, qui a son enbouchure dans la

mer ju Japon. Co dernuer porte dans les relatius japonaises le

nom de Foro-ara, il a d

1840. Siebold "Japan" Japanische Zee. Kanaal van Corai

Siebold "Japan" (Kyuusiu Univ)

Volume 1

Japan nut seinen naben and Schutzlandernn (高橋景保 日本辺海略図の翻訳) (Kyuusiu Univ Museum)

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Kanaal van Corai

Sea of Japan parts discribes Japanische Zee.

Japan and Corea by Capt James Cornett in the ship Argonaute 1791 (左下) 西欧諸地図における日本 (Kyuusiu Univ Museum)

Nothing especially about name of the sea

Volume 2


Nothing special ,name of the sea.

Volume 19-20

朝鮮八道之圖 on Sebold ”Japan” (Copy of Hayasi map)(Kyuusiu Univ Museum)

Nothing special name of the sea

・Carte KoraiSchen Halbinsel. (Korai Tsjo-sjon) Japanischen Originale 1840. 上記地図の翻訳か?kiusiu univ

Nothing expecially name of the sea。

Karte von Japanischen Reiche -originale....................................,Die Inseln Kiu Siu, Sekok und Nippon.1840.

(日本人作成による原図及び天文観測に基づく日本地図-九州 ・ 四国および本州-) (Kyuusiu Univ Museum)

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Canal de Corai

Sea of Japan parts discribes nothing especially

Siebold 「Atlas」(1853,Layden Berlin)

・「日本渡界略圖Japan mil seinen Naben und Schutzlandern』(1853)九州大学博物館

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Kanal de Corai

Sea of Japan parts discribes Japanische Zee

1847-49.H.M.S Samarang Sea of Japan

Narrative of Voyages of H.M.S Samarang (1848)

1852. Ronquimel, Capricieuse Ronquimel Mer Du Japon (Sea of Japan)

Cote Orientale de COREE et Partie de la TARTARIE reconnue par la corvette la CAPRICIEUSE commandée par M. ROCQUMAUREL captaine de vaisseau commandant la station navale de l'Inde-Chine. Carte levé e et dressée par M. MOUCHEZ lieutenant de vaisseau. Août 1852

(PDF P2, no.8 ) Mer du Japon,

1853. Matthew Calbraith Perry ,USS Susquehanna, Matthew Calbraith Perry. Japan Sea

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan.1856.

Japan Sea on attached map

1854-58 Putiatin ,frigatte Pallada ,Putiatin Mope (Sea of Japan)

frigatte Pallada

1855. Captain Forsyth, M.S HornetH.M.S Hornet Sea of Japan

(U.K naval databasw)

25 Apr 1855 HM Ships Sybille, Hornet, and Bittern, under Commodore Hon Charles Elliot, lat 37 ° 17 ' 23 " N, long 1331 ° 54 ' 23 " E - island discovered in the Sea of Japan, about a mile in extent, running in a NW by W and SE by E direction and are formed together by a reef of rocks. We could discern no dangers lying off them and the waters appears to be deep close to the shore. They are barren, without exception of a few patches of grass on their sides and landing would be difficult except in very calm weather. The height of the NW island was ascertained to be 410 ft above sea level - Charles C Forsyth, Cdr HMS Hornet

1856.Capt/ Bernard Whittingham. Royal Engineers. Sea of Japan

Notes on the late expedition against the Russian settlements in eastern Siberia, and of a visit to Japan and to the shores of Tartary, and of the sea of Okhostk (1856)

Attached map;East Korean Gulf: Broughton BayStrait of Korea: Strait of CoreaSea of Japan: Sea of Japan

Eastern Sea = East (China) Sea today.

In the month of March of this year, the gradual increase in the number of the English and French frigates lying in the fine harbour of Hong Kong betokened a speedy termination to the inactivity of the allied squadrons in the Eastern Seas, and once more awakened the sentiments of pride and hope which, since the declaration of war las year, the apparently aimless movements and ill success of our naval forces on the north-eastern shores of Asia had repressed.

Strait of Corea= Strait of Korea today. P8-9.

On the 22nd the Gotto island and rocks were in sight; and, as we still continued to steer northwards, the eager desire of seeing Nagasaki, which we supposed was to be our first port, very soon merged into the greater pleasure of there being less delay in our advance. The air became much cooler and cleare as we approached the Strait of Corea; and, in consonance with the weather, the first whale ship was seen on the same day; and henceforth the eye seldom rested on the water without a serching glance for the traces of spouting of the hotly and far pursued monster of the deep.............................A light northerly wind,"breathing whence it stole those "icy" sweets," baffled our efforts to get through the Straits on the 23rd. We endeavourd to pass between the island of Tsu-sima (sima means island in the Japanese language, and may, therefore, in future stand for its English synonyme) and the peninsula of Corea.

Sea of Japan; P11

The subsequent day, before a fresh southerly wind, we ran into the sea of Japan; and as it was clear, because cold, weather, our consorts and the Sibylle tried their rates of sailing nder the unfavourable circumstances of overloading for the frigate, though so far favourable for Symonite brig and frigate, inasmuch as the sea was smooth: in twelve hours the Bittern had gained six miles and the Hornet two.

1857. H.M.S Actaeon Japan Sea.

(see:Dagelet detailed map at U.K national library)

1858.The North Pacific Surveying and Exploring : Japan Sea

Expedition or my last cruising A.W.Habersham 1826-83 Lieut. u.s. Navy

P164. The Vincennes was to proceed, via the Bonin Islands, to Loo-choo, the Cooper to take in some islands to the northward and eastward of Formosa on her way to the same port, and the Hancock to serch for the Porpoise in the Formosa Channel, to survey the southwest and east coast of that island, and then join the other two vessels at the port of destination. From thence we were to proceed by different routes to the port of Hakodadi, island of Jesso, - the Cooper going through the Japan Sea, and the Vincennes and Hancock through a long chain of the islands, touching at Simoda, island of Nipon, and finally joining the Cooper at Hakodadi.

Maps aronud this ages.

La Perouse, is french explorer which achieved world tour , incruding Sea of Japan and East China Sea through Strait of Corea and Dagelet island.

Checking the map after La Perouse discovery tour, Sea of Japan tend to be drawn in the center position of Sea of Japan and Strait of Corea in the position between Japan and Corea.

Also, some map draw the name of Mer Du Coree on the east gulf of Corean peninsula ,today's TongChonsongman.

After the La Perouse's discovery navigation around Sea of Japan, The name of Korea Strait is abruptly increasing, and Sea of Japan become more and more Majority.

1787.Mers, Chine, Tartarie. 2. by La Perouse, Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788 from 1797

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes nothing.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Korea strait.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Sea of Japan.

1790.Allowsmith Chart of the world on Mercator's projection, exhibiting all the new discoveries to the present time: with the tracks of the most distinguished navigators since the year 1700, carefully collected from the best charts, maps, voyages, &c extant. And regulate

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Gulf Of Korea.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Strait of Korea.

Sea of Japan parts discribes nothing.

1803.Edme Mentelle. Pierre-Gregoire Chanlaire Carte de l'Empire de la Chine.Paris,

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Mer De Coree.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Strait of Coree. Sea of Japan parts discribes Mer De Japon.

1784(1792)Carte De L'Empire De La Chine Tardieu Paris 1832

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Mer De Coree.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Strait of Coree.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Mer De Japon.1787. Mers, Chine, Tartarie. 2. by La Perouse, Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788 from 1797

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes nothing.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Korea strait.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Sea of Japan.

After the La Perouse's discovery navigation around Sea of Japan, The name of Korea strait is abruptly increasing, and Sea of Japan become more and more Majority.

1790.Allowsmith Chart of the world on Mercator's projection, exhibiting all the new discoveries to the present time: with the tracks of the most

1803.Edme Mentelle. Pierre-Gregoire Chanlaire Carte de l'Empire de la Chine.Paris,

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Mer De Coree.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Strait of Coree.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Mer De Japon.

After the discovery navigation by Broughton and Krusenstern , North East part of Korean peninsula parts has been discribed as Mer Du Coree. Bronghton Bay is increasing instead of Mer de Coree.

1824 Kapta poluostrova Koreia (Map of Korea by Krusenstern)

1826 Karta poluostrova Koreia.


Around Broughton bay part, it discribes залива Bpoyroha(Brougton Gulf).

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes пролив Корейский(Korea Strait)

On the other hand , Wide map incruding Japan,China, Korea he discribes;

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes залива Bpoyroha(Brougton Gulf)

Sea of Japan parts discribes море Японское (Sea of Japan)

1833 Das Chinesische reich mit seizen schutzstaaten nebst dem Japanischen Iselreiche Justus Perthes 1833

1843. Carte von China und Japan den Manen d’Anville’s und Klapproth’s. Posrdam

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Bay von broughton.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Korea strait.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Japanech Meer

1840. Sebold "Japan" 19 -20 Map of Chosun(Korea) by Japan's records.

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Broughton Bay

1832.日本辺界略図 シーボルト『日本』収録 (1809.P42 第一分冊 幕府天文方 高橋景保1809)

1854.『日本界国へ向けての蘭・露の努力』日本辺海略図 Sebold at Bonn

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes nothing especially..

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Channel of Korai.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Japanische Zee.

1843. China. Arrowsmith, John, 1844

1843.Copperplate engraving from the National Atlas of Geography published 1843 by Alexander Keith Johnston (1804 - 1871): Map of China with an inset of Canton

1844.William Johnston; Alexander Keith Johnston: China

1849. An outline chart, for the purpose of marking off the track of a ship. Blachford & Imray. London.

1850. China and Japan,Milner's Descriptive Atlas, 1850

1851.TALLIS, John.Japan & Corea London, John Tallis & Co., 1851. 265 c 330.

1851. J. Rapkin: Japan and Corea.

Around Broughton bay part, it discribes Broughton Bay.

Between Busan and Tsushima parts discribes Strait of Korea.

Sea of Japan parts discribes Sea of Japan.