

2020年9月17日 新型コロナウィルスの影響 - 久しぶりのZoom ミーティング

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Kaguya has not been able to meet in-person and practice since the beginning of March this year. We were just starting to really get into the new set of songs to perform at our annual concert, which was initially planned for early next month. We currently do not see a safe way to meet and practice together. All of us are very disappointed with this but feel it is a necessary precaution so that we can keep each other safe.

Since one of our members was moving away for a new career opportunity, we decided to have a virtual meeting over Zoom for the first time last month. We said good-byes to our moving friend and wished her best of luck in a new city. It was a good chance for us to catch up with each other as well. It had been about half a year since a lot of us got together the last time, and we all had a great time chatting.

We hope we can get back to being able to meet in-person and sing our favorite songs soon!





2020年1月5日 新橋居酒屋餅つきイベントで演奏

We had an opportunity to sing some Japanese songs at SHIMBASHI Izakaya's new year's event the day before yesterday. So many people showed up to try their hands on pounding mochi (rice cake), enjoy Shimbashi's delicious food, sake, and the freshly made mochi. It was such a sunny beautiful day. Thank you to all who came out and enjoyed our songs! And thank you so much, Shimbashi restaurant, for inviting us to perform again!

一昨日は、デルマーの SHIMBASHI Izakaya の新年餅つきイベントにてかぐやの歌を披露させていただきました。晴天のとても気持ちのよい日で、とても多くの人出でにぎわい、皆さんお餅つきをしたり、新橋のおいしいお食事、お酒、つきたてのお餅を楽しんでいらっしゃいました。かぐやの歌を楽しんでくださった方々、ありがとうございました!新橋さん、今年もお招きいただき、ありがとうございました!

