To keep the community actively engaged and connected between two IsoDays editions, we are happy to introduce the webinar series "Soft Discussions: Roads to the Isodays" covering various topics in soft matter. Each webinar, of  the duration of approximately 1 hour, will have the following format: 

Part1 - Ask me Anything!

Our Ask Me Anything (AMA) session is a unique opportunity to interact with an internationally renowned scientist in the field of soft matter. During the session, the expert  will answer a selection of questions from the audience, providing insights into his/her career, research work, and topics related to his/her experience as a soft matter scientist.

How it works:

Ready to Ask?

Get the chance to ask what you've never had the courage to ask your supervisor or colleague!  Use the form below to submit your questions and be part of this interactive session. We look forward to your participation!

Part 2 - Seminar

The AMA session will serve as an introduction to the second part of the webinar, during which another distinguished speaker will present on a cutting-edge topic related to soft matter science.


There is no fee to attend the webinar. To register, please follow the link below. The webinar series will be hosted on the Zoom platform. 


The event will run for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. The first half of the webinar will be dedicated to the 'Ask Me Anything' interview, while the second half will focus on the seminar, followed by a Q&A session.


Webinar 1 

October 26, 2023: Ask Me Anything! with Prof. Daan Frenkel and Prof. Giovanni Ciccotti (moderator: Dr. Sara Bonella). Seminar by Prof. Sharon Glotzer "More surprises from entropy?"

Webinar 2 

December 13, 2023: Ask Me Anything! with Prof. Cristina Marchetti (moderator: Prof. Roberto Cerbino). Seminar by Prof. Vincenzo Vitelli "Odd turbulence: how patterns emerge from arrested cascades"

Webinar 3 

January 31, 2024: Ask Me Anything! with Prof. Francesco Sciortino and Prof. Roberto Piazza (moderator: Prof. Sofia Kantorovich). Seminar by Prof. Stefano Sacanna "Crystal Clear: enabling 3D real space analysis of ionic colloidal crystallization" 

Webinar 4 

March 26, 2024: Ask Me Anything! with Kathleen Stebe (moderator: Prof. Valeria Garbin). Seminar by Prof. Lyderic Bocquet “The nanofluidics cabinet of curiosities: from ionic memories to quantum friction”

Webinar 5

May 28, 2024: Ask Me Anything! with Prof. Margarida Telo da Gama and Prof. Robert Evans (moderator: Prof. John Russo). Seminar by Prof. René van Roij: "Memristors and neuromorphic information processing with soft matter "


Prof. Daan Frenkel - University of Cambridge

Prof. Giovanni Ciccotti - University of Rome "Sapienza"

Prof. Cristina Marchetti - University of California, Santa Barbara

Prof. Kathleen J. Stebe - University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Margarida Telo de Gama - University of Lisbon

Prof. Robert Evans - University of Bristol

Prof. Francesco Sciortino - "Sapienza" University of Rome

Prof. Roberto Piazza - Politecnico di Milano

Haven't received any announcements? Want updates on upcoming webinar dates? Leave us your email here!