iSoDays 2020 Poster Session

Every day (from Monday to Thursday) there will be 12 poster presentations divided in two sub-sessions. Each poster will be given by a video presentation of 2 minutes. After 6 posters there will be a live discussion of 15 minutes.

You are kindly requested to confirm your participation to the poster session by September 16th. In case you would like to change your presentation date, please indicate your available dates. Please also provide the following material within the same email:

i) a file of your poster in the A0 format,

ii) a file with a 2 minute video presentation of your poster.

The video presentation has to have as an introductory slide the attached one (Poster-IsoDays2020.pptx) properly compiled.

Your videos may be either a voice comment to a powerpoint presentation or a video presentation as in a video conference.
