
Below you can find a list of possible accommodation solutions for your stay in Bari, with hotels falling under four different categories, from 5 stars to 2 stars, many located within 30 min walking distance from the venue (Via Edoardo Orabona, 4 - Department of Chemistry, University of Bari). 

There are several advantageous accommodation agreements between the University of Bari and the following Hotels and B&B (Please remember to specify that you are under the University of Bari agreement and that you are an attendee of iSoDays 2022). You will find below accommodation from B&B to 5-star Hotels, the price will range from 40 to 200 €. 

Via Celso Ulpiani, 11, 70122 Bari

Tel. +39 3388604240 or +39 0805520805

NOTE: Please remember to specify that you are an attendee of the Italian Soft Days

Via Melo da Bari, 195 - Bari

tel. +39 3356643783

Corso Cavour, 32 - Bari

Tel. +39 0805255100 

NOTE: Specify the discount code "UNI". you will get a 20% discount.

Via Andrea da Bari, 102 - Bari

tel. +39 3394776260 or +39 3407204878

Strada Lamberti, 8 - Bari

Tel. +39 0805275448

Via Sparano, 162 - Bari

tel. +39 3289024470