Juli Aistars 2010 IMTR Race Report

On June 14, James Hunter posted this to the ultralist:

For those of you looking for a tough trail race dominated by

single-track for late summer in SW Virginia , take a look-see @ the

Iron Mountain Trail Run 50M

"The majority of the run follows the Iron Mountain ridgeline through

the Jefferson National Forest along what used to be the Appalachian

Trail. The total climb for the 50 mile course is around 8000 feet."

I noticed the IMTR race last year and wrote to lister Ed Kirk who finished it in 2009 to find out more. He has a descriptive race report with great photos from the 2009 race posted at: http://edibotrails.blogspot.com/2009/09/2009-iron-mountain-trail-run.html. Why reinvent the wheel? :)

For Val and I, the driving trip out east from IL was multipurpose. First, we visited with my brother who would turn 50 on race day. I told him I would do my best to finsh the 50 mile in honor of his landmark birthday. We spent Thursday with birthday boy Scott, his family, and my sister, Mary. Scott lives in Damascus , MD , so we would be traveling from there to Damascus , VA. Friday, we arrived in Damascus , VA , where we stayed at a local B & B .5 miles from the gazebo where the race would start. On Sunday morning, we visited our grandson in TN. It was a busy few days, but we had a blast!

The race -- Since last year, a 16, 30 and 50M option are offered. I originally registered for the 30M with a 10 hour time limit, but then decided I wanted to take the risk of missing the 12 hour time limit to see the 50M course. It was a risk, knowing I am "trail running challenged" and I knew the course had a lot of climb. Life is short--I jumped. RD, Kevin Townsend, allowed me to change over to the 50M some weeks before the race. Val wanted to see some of the trail, so chose the sure thing and ran the 16M.

On race morning, I met lister Rick Gray, who had responded to my email asking who else was going. Somehow, he picked me out of the crowd :). It was great to meet you Rick! He is an energetic and nice man who beat his time from last year in the 50M with an impressive 9:41. Congratulations Rick!

The course was beautiful, starting out on the Virginia Creeper Trail with the sound of the creek mingled with runners' conversations for the first 5 miles. It was a beautiful day, partly sunny and on the cool side. The race is low-key with about 85 runners registered in all 3 distances. There were not many aid stations, with about 7 miles in between, but they had the key ingredients and great volunteers. The surface varied from the flatter creeper trail, to the rocky climbs and descents to gravel road sections. Val, Abi and I started out together, but Abi soon pulled ahead. Val and I ran side by side until we reached the 9 mile aid station where he would turn around and head back. I told him to relax and enjoy the day after he finished. I was on my own with my Nathan from Lynnor :). My favorite section was the 21 mile loop from Skull's Gap aid station at mile 16 which we saw again at mile 37. I watched carefully for the pink ribbons. Sometimes I thought I was lost but then a ribbon would appear. It was remote in some areas with waterfalls, creeks, and gorgeous panoramic views through the trees. "The hand of God" is what it made me think of...

After the first stop at Skull's Gap aid station, I ran alone for long periods, which was an incredible experience on this beautiful trail and a challenge for someone as talkative as I am :). I paid little attention to the cutoffs except to tell one young man running his first ultra that we should move faster because we were on the edge. I had a pretty good idea I was flirting with a DNF, but I had to try. I saw Bill again who had passed me and fell behind a few times. He hit Skull's Gap #2 at mile 37 just before me. One of the volunteers told us we missed the cutoff by 14 minutes. I asked if we could finish the course. "It's just 13 miles," was the dumbest statement I made all day :).

It took a few minutes to consult the aid station captain and she agreed as long as we knew we were on our own, no aid. I grabbed some food and the light from my drop bag and took off. I almost passed up the light and a volunteer urged me to rethink it. I was delighted to have the chance to finish the course. I wouldn't get an official finish but I would run the 50M for my brother's birthday which was today. Stephen was arriving at the station behind us as Bill and I left. Bill and Stephen were running well and left me in the dust. The way back to Damascus had been changed from last year as I understand it, so we never connected to the creeper trail again. The last 13 miles went on forever and I only saw Stephen a few times before I ended up alone in darkness picking my way through the rocks down a steep creek bed. I emerged in a neighborhood thinking I must have gone off course. Several dogs took up a chorus of barking and one ran towards me. Memories of Vol State ... "Go home!" I yelled loudly to make sure he stayed in his yard. I looked up to see a man watching me. I asked him which way to the gazebo. He directed me, looking at me strangely all the while. I didn't bother to explain, just ran on.

All this time, I wondered if Val knew what had happened to me. It turned out he was well-informed by race staff. I expected to see him. What I didn't expect were the smiling faces of Abi and TJ, Rick Gray, and RD Kevin Townsend with his wife, Ann. I was so happy to be back and to have finished the course in about 13:45. Thank you, thank you aid station volunteers at Skull's Gap for letting us go! Four of us missed the cutoff and finished the course. I believe the others who finished after missing the Skull's Gap cutoff were Stephen Woofter, Bill Tolbert and Jerry Anderson. Jerry came in last, upsetting my chance for a trifecta of DNF, DFL and finisher all in one :).

Thank you Kevin, Ann, and IMTR volunteers! Congratulations to all finishers with some great times and new course records! Being only the 2nd year for the 16 and 30 mile distance with more entrants this year, those records were reduced by quite a bit.

Thank you so much, Val, for trusting "the wanderer" to come home safely on her own. Thank you Abi, TJ, Rick, Kevin and Ann for waiting for the stragglers in the cool, dark night. That meant everything to find you there when I only expected Val.

This is a gem of a race and a great way to spend Labor Day weekend. Official 50M finish next year? :)
