Kevin Townsend

Race report

Short Version: I had a great time running the Iron Mountain Trail Race in cool weather. Pre/post race food was great, aid stations had everything I wanted, and the course was challenging and fun.

Long Version:

When I first heard that the Eric Grossman was going to run an ultra on the Iron Mountain Trail, starting in Damascus, I was excited. We moved to the area 2 years ago, and Damscus is where I go for my long runs. My parents were going to be visiting, so this would be an opportunity for them to see me run an ultra (first time they ever saw me race).

Since I normally do my long runs in Damascus, I started training on the course (instead of the other trails that are available). I also was able to participate in a training run that Eric hosted several weeks before the race.

Race day dawned with great weather for running (cool, with some rain

and mist), but not so great for crewing (or for the volunteers). Due to

cool, damp conditions, my mom never got out the van (my dad did the crewing, and being quite the talker, commenced to talk the ears off everyone he met).

When the race started, I started off fast (too fast, probably). It was exciting for me to be running on a "home course". By the time we left the Creeper Trail (smooth & flat) and hit the first aid station, I knew I had started too fast. As I slogged up our first climb (Beech Grove Trail), other runners kept passing me. I was amazed to see people jogging up a hill . That also reminded me that I am used to being firmly in the middle of the pack, where sane people walk up hills.

After that climb, I was able to settle into my normal race routine. Since it was my"home course" and since my parents were there, I really wanted to do well, so I tried to push the pace a little the whole way. After I completed the loop on the east side of Rt 600, and returned to the Iron Mountain Trail, I felt like I was almost done, even though 13 miles were left. Since I was pretty familiar with that those last miles, it was easier to push it like I might in a shorter training run.

Since the IMTR had a smaller field, I ended up running by myself most of the time. I did run with David Horton and Bethany Patterson for a while, and I think they got tired of my trying to make up for the hours of solitude I had up to that point. Also, on the last section, I think I hurt my neck looking behind me every minute or so, because I really didn't want to get passed that close to the end.

Eric had to remark some of the course due to course vandalism, and as he was running to the finish (remarking, but still catching up to me), he nearly gave me a heart attack because I though another competitor was going to pass me in the last mile!

My parents were able to see me finish, but I don't think I inspired them to run an ultra (they were scared enough driving on some of the Forest Service Roads).

Thanks Eric and volunteers for putting on a great event. I look forward to running it next year.

kevin townsend

Lebanon, VA