Course Markings

The course will be marked with pink ribbons that have black polka-dots. Signs will be used in selected locations

Below- the top of Beech Grove Trail (~6 miles, after the first big climb):

Above- this means that ALL runners (50 milers, 40 milers, 30 milers, AND 16 milers will turn right at the top of this trail). Also note the painted markings on the ground to tell runners to turn right.

Above- this is the back of the previously pictured sign. It indicated that you should NOT return on this trail (Beech Grove Trail). Instead, follow the sign shown below (by staying on the Iron Mountain Trail into Damascus).

Above- this sign is about 3.5 miles from the finish. Again, follow the above arrow (staying on the Iron Mountain Trail) instead of the 'Do Not Enter' sign shown two pics above (on the Beech Grove Trail).

The above pic is for the 30, 40, & 50 milers. As the sign and survey pain indicate, runners should curve left. Below is the other side of the above sign.

The above pic is the reverse of 2 pics above (sorry for it being blurry). 30 milers returning will be coming from the bottom right of the pic. They will continue in the slow curve to the right. 40 & 50 milers will come from the bottom left of the pic, and they too will follow the trail in the slow left curve.

This juncture is a 'Y' intersection. All runners (30, 40, & 50 milers) initially come from the base of the 'Y' and turn left on the upper left portion of the 'Y'. 30 milers just turn around and then return from the upper left portion of the 'Y' onto the bottom part of the 'Y'. 40 & 50 milers head out as the 30 milers, but continue, eventually looping back onto the top right portion of the 'Y'. Then they too return via the bottom portion of the 'Y'.

Above: This is around mile 23 for the 50 milers. It indicates you shoud turn left off the gravel road (FS 84) onto the Barton GAp Trail.