2006 RD Report

Runners Pumped at Iron Mountain

Damascus, VA

October 7

Eric Grossman, RD

The inaugural event drew an eclectic field of eager first-timers and wizened veterans. All the runners shared a fearless pioneering spirit. The fall colors were just starting to pop – along with the careers of several relatively new ultra runners.

In the women’s field ultra-newcomer Sarah “Space” Johnston entered the fray to challenge long-time standout Bethany Patterson. On the men’s side a wall of solid ultra runners anchored by Lew McGrath, Greg Zaruba, Larry Miller, and Byron Backer stood between Nick Whited and his first ultramarathon victory.

A pleasantly casual atmosphere pervaded the pre-race activities – thanks in part to the participation of groups from nearby running clubs. The Trailheads and the Mangum Track club – both out of North Carolina – were well represented. After running the entire course in 2 training runs, David Horton had vocally touted the run. He remained uncharacteristically quiet at the pre-race dinner, however, no doubt to allow this first-time 50-mile race director his few minutes in the spotlight.

The forecasts for race-day weather were changed many times. Race day dawned pleasant enough with mild temperatures in Damascus. Runners contended with light rain and mud through the early parts of the day – and toward the higher elevations temperatures were cool. Overall, however, the conditions were quite favorable for running.

Nick Whited punched through early and stayed in front the entire race. He faded a bit in the middle but rallied nicely to run the last 8 miles in just over an hour to finish in 8:01. Lew McGrath challenged Nick through the middle of the run – closing to within 4 minutes at mile 43 – but wasn’t able to match Nick’s final kick. Lew ended up leading a closely grouped core of strong finishers followed by Larry Miller, Greg Zaruba, and Byron Backer – all finishing well under 9 hours.

Other remarkable men finishers included 5 first time 50 mile runners. Jason Mancini finished first among this group (15th overall) just two weeks after returning home from his tour of duty in Iraq! Steve Hoge, Chris Kelly, James Farmer, and Chris Redman also joined the club of 50 mile finishers by completing this rugged course well under the 12 hour time limit.

Bethany Patterson ran strongly throughout, as expected, to secure the top spot among women. She ran alongside David Horton to finish in 9:13. Sarah “Space” Johnston ran with them through the first half of the course but slowly faded after the grueling mountain climb past Rowland Falls. Space remained grounded, though, to place 2nd woman overall. She led the field of 4 first time female 50 mile finishers. Renee Blacken, Amy Leigh Brown, and Maggie Everett also finished their first 50 milers, and finished 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively in the women’s field.

It was very rewarding for me to host these gracious runners. Like me, they appreciate the best trail running this country has to offer! Many ran their hearts out -- it was a joy to see them at the finish line.