Sandy Melton, 2009 Race Report

Iron Mountain Trail Run 2009

September fifth started as a beautiful crisp morning in the 50’s

when the runners gathered at the Damascus Town Park gazebo for the

Iron Mountain Trail Run 50, 30, and 16 milers. Well carb and veggie

loaded from the very fresh local food in the prerace dinner (provided

by the Meadowview Farmer’s Guild -a gastronomical delight), and well

versed on the course info courtesy of race director Kevin Townsend,

the runners were anxious and excited to get to the trail.

The only climb training we get is on local bridges or parking

garages; so, we Floridians were woefully unprepared for technical

mountain trail, and just knowledgeable enough to be prepared to

suffer…. and, just to let folks where I stand- no vitamin I (ibuprofen

for you non listers) in my gear! We got off easy in the first 5 miles

on the meandering Virginia Creeper Trail but the following mile or so

had 2000 ft of climb and that slowed me down to a crawl. The rest of

the race was spent looking down at the trail two feet in front of me

while jumping over rocks and roots. It took all of my concentration

just to remain upright, with little spurts of running between the

rocky sections (I did fall twice). I saw little of the mountains

glorious views but at least it was cool (high in the low 80’s),

shaded, and there was a light breeze through most of the journey. A

sunlit meadow splashed with purple wild flowers was a softer trail

section and nice respite from the mountain's rocky trail.

The course for the most part was well marked (just about the

only time I love pink plastic ribbon). The race was well organized,

the aide stations well supplied, and the volunteers and the small

community of Damascus were very friendly and helpful. Plenty of food

at the finish line but only the 50 milers had a chance to qualify for

the homemade jams I was drooling over so a stop was required to the

local orchard to pick up some after the race. No apples were not

available for another week but the raspberry jam was to die for!

While I am at it I must plug the Mountain Laurel Bed and Breakfast.

Economical and convenient, they have the only pool in town for those

trashed, post race legs. The proprietress is the most accommodating

and friendly soul… She was due to have her fourth child that weekend

and I was really hoping I could keep my promise to cook breakfast for

her guests if she had the baby before I left: but, alas it

was not to be….but what a tale that would have been!

Congratulations to the winners: Adam Cassedy 50 mile, Charlie

Wassum 30 mile and Jennifer Nichols 16 mile. Congratulations to Mike

Patterson on his first trail run. He was very strong on that

technical trail and had no problem running the last couple of miles to

the finish at a 9:30 pace. Congratulations to all of the other

runners- did we have fun or what? Great job everyone! Thanks to Kevin

Townsend and his wife and the rest of the volunteers for all their

hard work. This race is was a gem. The only way if could have been

better (besides being better prepared myself) would have been if more

of you Ultra Dudes, Dudes, and Chicks had come out to enjoy the fun!

Lots of sandy beach or trail to you,

sandy melton