Iowa Cookie Crumbs Newsletter
Holiday Cheer November Cookie Packing
November 10th - 10:30 a.m. - All Teams Bake
• Cookies my be dropped off early between 9:00-noon on Monday, November 9th
Or by 10:00 on Tuesday at Emanuel Lutheran Church, 2444 North Broadway, Council Bluffs
• Chip Cookies are okay to send
Total Cookie Results to Date:
1,386,833 Cookies
$221,327.82 Postage
Cookie Results to Date: Over One MILLION Three Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Sent!!
September Packing Results
8,736 cookies packed in 72 boxes
Postage Cost: $1,430.80
Notes of Thanks
On behalf of the USO in Kaiserslautern, thank you SOOOO MUCH for the care packages! They've been amazing - soldiers now have snacks, soups and all kinds of great stuff to nosh on during their 2 weeks in quarantine here.
Indeed, the Army does take care of soldiers, but it's a long time between dinner at 5 pm and breakfast at 8 am - so your package is a sight for sore eyes, I can assure you. As always, what would we do without you --
Take care, and blessings to you and yours! v/r Chaplain Shulman
Thank You so much for your support!
The 311th is an Army Reserve unit out of Los Angeles, CA, but our people are from all over the country. I live in Tucson, AZ. The 311th is a
logistics organization that is responsible for all supplies coming into the Middle East on boats and planes, loading it on to trucks and helicopters, and sending it forward to service members in one of the 14 countries we support. You can see us on Facebook at 311th Sustainment Command Expeditionary, Instagram #311esc.
Here in Kuwait it is very hot on average 110 degrees from 12 to 5pm so far with a heat index of 129 one day, and no rain since we have been here. The highs are finally dropping out of the 100s. We are not in much danger here, but life has been tough with everything closed due to COVID 19. The Post Exchange (PX is like a mini Walmart) has been opened for all of our time here, but the USO, and MWR facilities are still closed. We were able to start in person Chapel services again in late June, and most restaurants have opened back up. The pool opened at the beginning of September, and one gym opened up in late September.
I have served in the National Guard and Army Reserves for 20 years. My wife Erin and I have been married for 14 years. We have four children, 3 girls and 1 boy. They are ready for me to come home. I grew up in Omaha, and my wife and I met at a small Bible collage that overlooked the Missouri River. I would look out my dorm window and see the lights of Council Bluffs (especially the casino). My dad's family are all from Iowa in the Des Moines, and Millersburg area. MAJ Chaplain Smith
From two Chaplains:
Thank you very much for your care package! It is very much appreciated not only by myself, but by our chaplain team, and all of us at the 103rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC). As a chaplain section, we have combined all of the gifts and care packages that people have sent us, and have created an area where Soldiers can cam and get what they need or want. It gives them a great reminder of home, and how there are many great Americans who have selflessly given to them. We get a ton of visitors every day, so know that your contribution is making a difference and improving the spirits and morale of all here.
I pray that this finds you well, and that God will richly bless you. Thank you!!!
- - - - -From a USMC Major: It brings me great satisfaction to notify you that my Marines devoured your cookies and left no to spare. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and showing your appreciation for our young men and women who wear the uniform. I could not be prouder to lead such a fine group of young leaders and warriors. It's the support of patriotic Americans like yourselves that demonstrates the great nation we live in.
Our Marines are from all over the United States from Georgia to California and range in ages from nineteen to fifty. Many of us have families, spouses, or children that we we behind and will not get to enjoy the holidays with. Don't worry about us. This is what we signed up to do and YOUR Marines are in good hands. They are getting to make a difference and build lasting bonds with their fellow Marines and Sailors.
Thank you again for the cookies and thinking about us.
I want to say thank you to you and your fellow bakers with the Iowa Cookie Crumbs for the care packages we have received. They are a wonderful treat - delicious cookies! Who doesn't appreciate a homemade cookie??
The temperatures here have fallen into the 70's, which is as close to feeling like fall as I think it will get. I am from Northern Michigan and will miss the snow this year(although I hate to admit that!) My grandparents live in Wahoo, NE, so I have some near and dear ties to the Midwest.Hopefully your family is able to come together for the holidays! Although we will not be with our, we have become a family nonetheless, and will be thankful to share the experience together. Have a happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas!
Dear Iowa Cookie Crumbs,
I was privileged to receive one of your care packages today. I wanted to write you to express my thanks for the cookies and treats. I shared them with my whole unit here and everyone was very excited! Just a little about me, I am currently deployed in the Pacific Theater working with our host nation partners to ensure stability in the region and maintain our capabilities here so that we can be ready to defend our nation and our host nation at a moment’s notice.
I am the Airfield Manager here which means I am responsible for making sure our flight operations areas like the runway and the taxiways are in good condition and safe for aircraft and people to work on. I also design parking plans for our airplanes and track what planes are coming and going when and where.
Personally, I am married to an incredibly strong, smart woman and am the very proud father of a 2 year old girl. In my opinion, they deserve way more thanks than I ever do as they are the ones that have to keep going when I have to pack up and go on these kinds of trips.
Thank you again for the package and thank you for doing this for all of the service members all over the world. I know every time I have been away from home packages like this are always the highlight of the day. Yours thankfully, Jay
I am currently deployed to Iraq. My unit received your care package today today from Iowa Cookie Crumbs and I sincerely wanted to thank you all. Your care package was more special to me for a few reasons.
I am from Jackson, MN; born and raised. When I saw this package was from my southern neighbors I was instantly happy. Before we opened the box I had this sense that this package was from "home". I come from a much smaller town than Council Bluffs, but there is a mindset all our own of the mid-western culture. With a strong farming background and rural life I know that we are the true "Heartland of America". So already this package meant more to me than say a box from New York or Texas.
Your package was also far superior because it had HOMEMADE COOKIES! No other package that we've received has contained so many goodies from home. Nothing but junk food, chocolate candies, and cookies. It was the best. I bogarded the snicker doodles for myself. The chocolate mostly survived the shipping process, minimal melting. Unfortunately, some of the cookies did not survive. But don't feel bad, we Soldiers will still eat a bag of crumbs and love it!
My favorite part, however, was the personal notes that were included.
I hope the Iowa Cookie Crumbs are able to provide many more care packages to Men and Women of all branches of Service for many years to come. And ultimately, I'd like for there not to be a need for the Iowa Cookie Club because all Americans will be back home. But then, I'm sure, you'll be baking for others in need, in support of, or just to make someone smile. You certainly made me smile today. Thank you, Sandra