Call For Abstracts

Dear Colleagues:

The International Gastrointestinal Electrophysiology Society (iGES), formerly International Electrogastrography Society will have its annual workshop in conjunction with 2018 Digestive Diseases Week.

The meeting is scheduled to be held on the evening of Saturday, June 2, 2018 at:

Hyatt Place, Washington DC/US Capitol

33 New York Ave NE, Washington, D.C. 20002.

On behalf of the Society, we would like to invite you to attend the meeting and submit your abstracts for oral/poster presentations, and possible awards.

  1. There will be a registration fee. Please bring cash or check:

    1. $25 for students/trainees/postdoctoral fellows/Assistant Professors

    2. $50 for academics/researchers/others (Professors/Associate Professors/Senior Lecturers, etc)

    3. Submit your abstracts now via this google docs web form. The abstracts will be reviewed for oral and poster presentations and possible awards; they will be available on the society website. Please indicate if the first author of an abstract would like to be considered for a Young Investigator Award (only a student, fellow, post-doc or junior faculty, such as assistant professor or instructor is qualified for this award).

  2. Awards:

    1. Alvarez Award (every abstract is qualified so you do not need to apply for it)

    2. Robert Stern Award (Best of Young Investigator’s Award)

    3. Young Investigator Award (please indicate that you are qualified)

The closing date for abstract submission is Feb 15, 2018. If you have problems submitting your abstract via the google docs web form please contact Leo Cheng <l.cheng AT> via email.

If you have not received our updates via email you can sign up now.

Best regards,

Jane Yin, MD, Secretary, iGES

Jiande Chen, PhD, Vice President, iGES

Richard McCallum, MD, President, iGES