夏期勉強会 議事録

■ 2012-13年度 夏期勉強会概要


日時: 2013年8月3日(土)

場所: Institute of Education, University of London (S13 Room)

講師: 若松えり氏


若松様 ご講演



1949年、中国で毛沢東が共産主義を掲げると、圧倒的な軍事力を誇る「人民解放軍」8万人を率い東チベットに侵攻した際、わずか15歳で政治上の全権を引き継いだダライラマ14世は、中国による侵略行為を国連に起訴するとともに、アメリカ、イギリス、インド,ネパールに仲裁を依頼する使節を送り、中国にも和解交渉の使節を内密に派遣するが、受け入れられず、国家の存続を賭けて、1959年2週間をかけてヒマラヤ山脈を乗馬と徒歩で越え、北インドへの亡命を余儀なくされる。以来、50年間ダラムサラにて亡命生活を続けている。その後、自らチベット亡命政府を樹立、亡命政府は独自の内閣と憲法を持ち、国際関係省はニューデリー、ジュネーブ、ニューヨーク、東京、ロンドン、カトマンズ、ブタペスト、モスクワ、パリ、キャンベラ、プレトリア、台北に代表事務所を設置されており、大使館の役割を担っている。2011年には、世界各国に暮らす亡命難民による民主的な投票により選出された、 ロブサン・センゲ内閣が発足しており、これによってダライラマは事実上、政治的な任務から全面的に引退している.






北インド、標高1,500mにあるダラムサラ地区、チベット人としての自由を求め本土を離れ亡命した約13万人のチベット人の故郷でもある。しかし、2008年から中国当局の監視と国境警備隊の強化の影響で、亡命者の数が激減している。2006年には、越境しようとした15歳の少年僧を含む難民が、国境警備隊により射殺されるという事件が発生。それをたまたま外国人旅行客がビデオ撮影しており、You Tubeを通して世界を震撼させた。この事件は、国際人権規約の中で保障され、人類普遍の権利である「移動の自由」を侵害している。




1959年以降、ダライラマ亡命以降、本格的な中国化が始まり、これをダライラマ自身は「文化的大虐殺:Cultural Genocide」と呼び、中国政府によるチベット政策を激しく批判している。チベット内モンゴル、ウィグルを合わせた、中国の領土全体の60%が中国政府の侵略によって彼らが獲得したものとなっている。急速な中国化、深刻な人権侵害が国連や人権団体から報告されている。一国家であったチベットは、いくつかの区に分割された。6,000以上の僧院も破壊され、僧侶に共産党のイデオロギーを教え込む為の教育「愛国再教育」と呼ばれる思想教育や、彼らの指導者であるダライラマを強く批判するよう強要している。主食であった大麦の代わりに、中国人の趣向にあった小麦を栽培させるが、気候に合わずに不作になり、飢饉状態となる。チベット人は中国政府に対して絶対的な忠誠を誓うように強制され、従わない場合は強制投獄を伴う再教育プログラムに従事させられるなどの処罰が課せられる。同じように、ダライラマの写真を保有することは、チベットでは違反となっている。チベット人が受けた拷問、弁護人不在のまま裁判が行われる「閉鎖裁判」によって不当に判決が下り、投獄させられるなどの、司法制度の不透明さと責任所在の欠落が際立っている。

Speech given by a Tibetan Refugee.

Two different perspectives on the Tibet issue: Tibetans call it “Occupation”; the Chinese Communist Party calls it “Liberation”.

In 1950s, the People’s Liberation Army of China entered Tibet and took control of the entire region, and the last Tibetan national uprising in 1959 failed. Following the unfortunate failure of the uprising, the 14th Dalai Lama was forced to leave the county and headed into exile in India. Many Tibetan people were killed and executed during the defensive battle with the People’s Liberation Army in eastern and central Tibetan during the 1950s. And many of the defeated Tibetan Army were arrested and put in labor camps, and many more were executed. More than a thousand Tibetan cultural heritage sites were destroyed due to military attacks by the Liberation Army and an uncountable number of valuable antiques disappeared due to the Liberation Army’s presence inside Tibet.

The Communist Party established the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) under the Communist Constitution and entirely ruled the Tibetan area, the TAR and Greater Tibet. Eventually, with the use of military power, representatives of the Tibetan government were forced to sign the 17 Point Agreement. Then the Communists announced it was a “Peaceful Liberation”.

From 1966 to 1976, during the time of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the entire country suffered cultural and spiritual devastation. The Communist government established the “Red Guards” during the Cultural Revolution, an armed force that mainly aimed to arrest, execute, and hamper the leading figures in the country regarding culture and spirituality. It was a period in the history of Tibet when people were extremely hard hit by starvation and slavery. Because the Red Guards confiscated all the property of the Tibetan people in the region as well as Chinese people inside China. Because the Red Guard was an arm of the Communist Party, the Party manipulated the young and healthy people’s hard labor to create and build exactly what they wanted. They made vast valleys into farms, dug up mountains to make roads and mining operations – all a part of the industrialization in Tibet. Apart from that, tens of thousands of Tibetan people who struggled against the oppression were tortured to death. During that period, people were completely disconnected from each other, their culture and religion. Children were forced to go against their parents; students were forced to kill teachers and masters.

The entire ideology of the Cultural Revolution was to defeat the old version of culture and religion, and forcibly cultivate a new loyalty and respect toward the Party only. Millions of people were put to death under the charge of “counter revolutionary” in both Tibet and China. The idea of the Cultural Revolution was created by Mao Zedong, the first chairman of the People’s Republic of China.

The death of Chairman Mao ended the Cultural Revolution and the devastation in Tibet and China in 1977, but still the entire region remains in a climate of fear and tension. People neither dare to mention the death of Chairman Mao, or speak out due to his brutal and inhumane policies of nearly two decades.

In the 1980s, the Chinese Communist Government received new leadership after a long fight for power by the politicians. Eventually they decided to implement political reform in Tibet and China and the Party started to provide land to the people as well as goods and livestock according to how many family members they had inside Tibet. And they let people start slightly independent social and financial management, and people were permitted to practice religion and preserve its cultural and religious activities. Monks rejoined the monastery and local people funded the rebuilding of the monasteries destroyed between the 1950s till the 1980s. After nearly 30 years the culture and religion were totally destroyed physically, but spiritually they still existed strongly within people’s hearts. Since then, the Tibetan people have never given up their identity. Because the implementation of the Chinese Constitution in Tibet has been practiced with discrimination, and inequality, most of the basic and fundamental things of people’s daily life and freedom are threatened by the local government. Therefore, the 10th Penchan Lama wrote his 70,000-word appeal to the Communist Central Government, also many people came out in the streets and staged many peaceful protests and demonstrations against the Communist policies inside Tibet such as in 1987, 88 and 89, moreover, in 1993-1994.

The Communist Party used military force to crackdown on the peaceful protestors resulting in many casualties and arbitrary arrests, and unjust sentences and imprisonment including the death penalty under the charge of being a “counter revolutionary”. And then came the major freedom uprising in 2008 across the Tibetan areas, and again the Communist government used military force and a bloody crackdown on the unarmed Tibetan protestors. The government’s military operation resulted in many more deaths and arrests under the charge of “separatists”. Restrictions again and again abused the fundamental human rights of the Tibetan people and their freedom.

The Communist Government started “Western Development” projects in early 2000.

The minority people inside Chinese Autonomous Regions are governed by the Constitution of the PRC that has provisions on autonomy and self-government.

Most Tibetan areas remain under the Autonomous status given by Chinese Constitution.

From 2002, environmentally, the Chinese Government started dominating the land of Tibet through the “Western Development” scheme, and started massive highway and railway construction, along with airports and buildings. And at the same time, the Communist Party was actively advancing a project that exploited the Tibetan environment and natural resources of the highest land in the world. They even, started a huge water diversion project from south to east (from Tibet to China). Tibet is a very rich water resource because the major rivers of south Asian countries come from Tibet.

Educationally, the Chinese Authority forced the withdrawal of Tibetan language from the school curriculum in Tibet and implemented a bilingual education system, however, the bilingual system includes very little of the Tibetan language. Tibetan has almost completely been withdrawn from the school curriculum. Many thousands of students in Tibet –from primary school up to university– strongly protested against the governmental policy toward education inside Tibet in 2010, 2011 and 2012 across all Tibetan areas.

The Chinese authority formulated religious regulations for the monks in monasteries inside Tibet, and in 1997 started the “Patriotic Education Campaign.” It started at major monasteries in Lhasa, TAR, and it has spread to Tibetan monasteries all over Tibet now.

The religious regulation states that young Tibetan kids are not allowed to join monasteries before 18 years old, otherwise the authority will charge them with being an illegal Tibetan monk, and high religious figures and masters have to ask permission from the local authority for any big scale religious activities or teaching. The communists have even interfered greatly in the traditional religious system of selecting the reincarnation of lamas. This religious tradition has been broken by the Communist Party since 1959. The authority handpicked the 11th Panchen Lama and thus violated the traditional and historical way of the Tibetan reincarnation procedure used for nearly 1000 years of religious history in Tibet. All of these new policies are part of the “Western Development” Scheme.




Since 2009, more than 120 Tibetans have self-immolated in protest of Chinese policies inside Tibet and in demand for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and an end to the killing of innocent Tibetans.

The self-immolators include Tibetans from 16 to 50 years old: Both men and women, students, farmers, nomads, monks, nuns, lamas and housewives.

The Communist party is still ignoring this issue and accuses the self-immolators of being mentally ill and incited by outside separatists. They do not try investigating causes in a positive way at all.

Multilateral Talks on Tibet

I think many western governments have been concerned about the human rights and freedom of the Tibetan people for the last few decades, but it is very important to develop a realistic approach. In the last 50 years, they have raised the human rights issue in Tibet with China individually, but now that China is economically becoming the superpower, they punish western governments if their president or prime minister meets His Holiness the Dalai Lama in their country. Now it is very much the time to stand together in a tightly coordinated and realistic way to speak with Communist China about human rights and freedom issues. Coordination is extremely important at the moment for western governments, particularly in speaking with Communist China about human rights and freedom.

人権は国際規定によって認められている権利のため、多国間協議や欧州なら EU議会を通して中国に対する抗議をする。


1. 中国政府の動機付けについて、なぜチベットに対して抑圧活動を行うのか?

2. チベット人が目指しているのは何なのか?弾圧をやめさせることなのか?自治権を獲得することなのか?

1. 複数の利害的な理由が考えられるが、チベットには天然ガスや鉱物資源、水などの豊富な天然資源があり、先住民であるチベット人を排除し、それらの資源を大規模に開発するために、自国において少数民族と化したチベット人を強引な同化政策のもとで弾圧している。

2. チベット人自らが求める自由と幸福を実現するために活動できるようになることが最終的な目的だとおもいます。

3. Is the idea of “Self-immolation” embraced in Tibetan Buddhism?

3. In Tibetan Buddhism, purity of motivation is essential and important initially no matter what the consequences of an action and it is the same for self-immolation. It is called sacrifice. Sacrifice does not mean that you give up the thing you do not need or want, but sacrifice means you give up a thing that you really want and need, for the well being of others.

Therefore, the more than 120 Tibetans who have already sacrificed their lives by self-immolation for the freedom of the Tibetan people did it with the wonderful motivation of others’ well being, and they sacrificed themselves without hurting anyone else. This is true sacrifice. In Buddhism, killing is always bad and a sin, even small worms and insects, but the result is also in combination with the initial motivation behind the action.
