
■ 第2回勉強会概要

「Crown Agents and Japanese ODA ―イラク復興支援の経験から―」

講師:John Demeza 氏

(Crown Agents 日本援助担当部 部長)

日時:2009年11月21日(土) 14:30-16:30

場所:JICA 英国事務所 会議室



・参考資料 クラウンエイジェンツ


1. Crown Agentsの紹介

2. Demeza氏の経歴紹介

3. Demeza氏によるプレゼンテーション

4. 質疑応答

■ プレゼンテーション


■ 講師経歴:

John Demeza joined Crown Agents in 1988.

He has represented Crown Agents in a number of countries including the Philippines, Tanzania, Bolivia, Bosnia, Mozambique, Pakistan and Japan. He is a specialist in post-conflict/natural disaster aid programs having worked on relevant projects in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Indonesia.

In the Crown Agents London office from 2002 to early 2006 he was a Manager in the Crown Agents Rapid Response & Post Conflict Reconstruction Services Department. During this period he spent considerable time in Iraq working as a sub contractor for JICS on the Japanese Funded Reconstruction Grants.

He has worked for the majority of the major donors including the World Bank, DFID, FCO, EU, UN and the Government of Japan. Mr. Demeza has worked on Japanese aid programs in the Philippines, Tanzania Bolivia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Mozambique, Pakistan and Iraq. Chief Representative of CA in Japan from April 06 to November 2008. He is now Director of Crown Agents Japanese Business.