
Huzefa and Reena's Travel Biography

I graduated from IIT Bombay back in 87, later when things settled, we traveled the world off and on for over fourteen years. Of course, when we are not traveling; we have a life in the "real world". As we cross our forty and juggle two kids, we have slowed a little. When we are not on the Road, I make a living as a hardware hack. Reena teaches at San Jose State. We both hope to someday, do something meaningful with our doctorates. Our kids, Amal and Anav have been solid troopers. The rules we follow are: always travel together and be and demand to be like the locals in the target country. Every time we travel, it is very difficult to leave, and at the end of every trip, it is very hard to come home.Coming home however, is an essential closure to our journey.We travel with a rucksack and always a budget. We dont think we would have it any other way.

 After our marriage in 1992 we spent two years living in Israel. We have done parts of the Silk Road, the Incense Trail, the Inca Trail. I have run across parts of the Sahara and Arabia. We have planned, packed for, delighted in, and survived to return home from several trips. And we want to go back to lots of places we haven't been.

While we don't claim to be an unusually wild or intrepid travelers, we have been to quite a few out-of-the-way places, seen some fantastic sights, had some unique experiences, and brought home a few interesting photos and trinkets.

I have published more than a dozen travel-adventure articles, one of which made it to Times Of India. And I've written quite a few more that never saw the light of day -- the Web gives me a great place to publish these second-rate stories in my own individual style