
Hi all, As you guys must have heard so often already the peace negotiations took a major leap with both sides(PLO and Israel) recognizing each other(seems like they were blindfolded all these years :-)). A document was signed by Arafat and Rabin together. Shamir and a Norwegian foreign minister--John Holst did a lot running around. Likud Israels right wing members feel they are threatened with Judea and Samaria the biblical areas may have to be given away. The left wingers mostly students and d0's like us held a huge peace rally which we participated in. On the Palestinian side Arafat the smiling terrorist turned Gandhian/Mandella leader has a big following with the exception of Hamas the Islamic right wing group and other exiled PLO factions who threaten his life like Sadat. The intefadah(the uprising) may not end that easily but the Arabs(whoever I talked to) feel tired at this drawn struggle and have no option but make peace. Jericho is really a small town and really moderate compared to Gaza in terms of violence. In reality the land given is nothing..what is important is just the intent at present. With the Israelis most of the students from the Technion and Haifa support the peace movement strongly and want to go the full way..giving all of the west bank. There are other elders who claim that giving away land for peace is not acceptable..quoting times when they could go to Sinai when it was part of Israel and now how things have changed there after it is part of Egypt. One of the guys whom I happened to give lift to said he is annoyed at the peace talks..saying..I don't want Syrians roaming the streets of Tel-Aviv ..nor is he interested in going to Damascus .. so why the peace talks..I guess this isnt the majority of the people views.. Later, Huzefa