
Haifa Fornightly(Editor--Huzefa Mehta) 4rd edition 15/12/92 We continued our spiritual travellings undisturbed by most happenings around the world. It has become cold in Haifa--that is to say that the sea is not swimmable. Got my multiple entry visa to Israel. Reena has not get hers. Some tensions here as Palestine celebrates its 5th year intefad. All the occupied territories have been sealed off. Also our request to get an additional Indian passport to travel to Arab countries was denied by the Indian Embassy. All Arab countries do not allow visitors already travelled to Israel. Previously this was ok for Indian citizens because India did not have diplomatic relations with Israel and hence Israel visa was given on a piece of paper. How since India started resuming relations Israel gives its visa in the passport. Fairly uneventful fortnight--The first weekend was spend exploring Nazareth--a town where Jesus lived most of his life. The town's population is now mostly Arabs. This too is situated on a hill and when viewed from the bottom of the hill is filled with steeples of the churches. Went to the church "Basilica" in Nazareth. This weekend we went to Akre(Acco) a small Arab town about 20 km north of Haifa. It is enclosed by a fortress and is completely paved in stones. Also we went towards the Lebanon border about 10km from Acco to a place called Nahariya. The place was filled with UN vehicles. It is a recreational place for most UN personnel. It also has an Indian restaurant called "Salaam Bombay". It is a German town(early settlers of the Holocaust and also has a holocaust museum). The next day we went on a cable car on the Israel-Lebanon border to see the underground grottos. The border is a famous tourist spot and we were oblivious of any tensions which exist at the border. We had a office event which took place in Haifa U. which had some performers and some stand-up comedians. It was in a Greek Auditorium. At the end one of my colleagues commented "That was good Greek"--And I thought "Wow! I must really learn Hebrew if I cannot figure out the difference between Hebrew and Greek!"-Later I found out it was just a joke and it was really in Hebrew This weeks plans are to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem--